Bond Dickinson is delighted to announce that it has been appointed to the National Legal Services Framework for the LUPC-led purchasing consortium of:
- London Universities Purchasing Consortium (LUPC)
- North Eastern Universities Purchasing Consortium (NEUPC)
- Higher Education Purchasing Consortium, Wales (HEPCW)
- North Western Universities Purchasing Consortium (NWUPC)
- Southern Universities Purchasing Consortium (SUPC).
This is a new national framework which will provide legal services to universities, further education colleges and cultural and charitable institutions across England and Wales.
The firm was appointed to the following lots:
- Governance (constitutional, charity, higher education and academic registry)
- Commercial
- 'One-stop-shop' (covering the full range of legal services).
The five purchasing consortia are not for profit companies owned by their members, whose purpose is to maximise value from the collaborative procurement of goods and services for members. The membership groups are made up of universities and colleges as well as government agencies, research organisations and museums and other cultural establishments.
Kevin Robertson, Partner and Head of Education said: "We are delighted to have been appointed to the LUPC's panel. We were recognised for our education sector knowledge and expertise as well as our strong charity sector offering. Jo Coleman, a charities partner is based in our London office, has significant experience regarding charity governance work."
Bond Dickinson has extensive experience in the education sector working with education providers and suppliers, ranging from universities, FE colleges, independent schools, academy trusts and free schools, through to central and local government, governing bodies, diocesan trustees and boards of education as well as suppliers to the sector.