One of the top law firms in Columbia, SC, Womble Bond Dickinson’s dedicated team of attorneys use their combined knowledge and considerable experience to provide detailed legal advice to all clients across Columbia and its surrounding areas.
Operating with a commercially-focused mindset, clients of our Columbia law firm can access a wide range of legal services ranging from day-to-day general administrative advice to sector-specific legal support. With backing from our experienced team of lawyers in Columbia, SC, clients across every served sector - from Energy and Natural Resources to Transport - are able to confidently navigate the specific complexities faced within their area of operation.
As one of the largest law firms in South Carolina, the attorneys working out of our Columbia law office have access to the full breadth of Womble Bond Dickinson’s resources. A transatlantic firm with offices spread across the US and UK, our attorneys in South Carolina utilize our expansive network of connections, specialist attorneys and invaluable resources to ensure clients of all sizes can thrive in their respective industries.
Whether you’re a startup company looking for commercial and manufacturing law support from a team of lawyers in Columbia, SC, or have an established business that is continuing to grow on an international scale, the Womble Bond Dickinson Columbia law firm can be of service. To learn more about what our attorneys can do for you, simply fill out the contact us form on our get in touch page. Alternatively, you can find and contact a Columbia, SC lawyer directly by browsing through our local lawyers and professional staff online.
If you have a meeting scheduled with our Columbia law firm or would like to discuss your legal requirements with one of our attorneys in person, you can visit us at our law office in Columbia, SC by following the directions detailed below.
By Plane: Traveling from Columbia Metropolitan Airport, head southwest on Airport Blvd toward Air Commerce Dr. Take SC-602 to Lady St. in Columbia. Continue on Lady St to Main St.
By Car: Our Columbia law firm office can be reached by car from both the I-126 and the 277. Find easy to follow directions for both driving directions below.
- From I-126: Continue on 126 until it becomes Elmwood Avenue. Take Elmwood to Assembly Street. Turn right onto Assembly. Continue for 9-10 miles. Turn left onto Lady Street. Continue for one block. Turn right onto Main Street. The entrance to the parking deck is located approximately halfway down this block on the right.
- From 277: Continue on Hwy 277 until it becomes Bull Street. Take Bull to Lady Street. Turn right on Lady Street. Continue for three blocks. Turn left on Main Street. The entrance to the parking deck is located approximately halfway down this block on the right.