Kevin is head of the firm’s Projects & Procurement team. He has extensive experience of advising both the public and private sector in relation to a range of public private partnerships and has particular expertise in projects in the education sector where he leads the firm’s Education Group.
He advises a broad range of clients including local and central government bodies, universities, further education colleges, academy trusts, Diocesan bodies and private sector contractors.
- a local authority on the outsourcing of its Adult Social Care Directorate to a social enterprise established and run by the Directorate’s staff
- the Department for Education on a range of commercial matters
- the Education & Skills Funding Agency on its Free Schools and PSBP programmes
- Newcastle City Council on a national pathfinder project to transfer of its parks, allotments and recreation grounds to a newly established charitable trust
- a number of schools, Diocesan bodies and local authorities in relation to schools’ projects including PFI and academy conversions
- local authorities and fire authorities on their existing PPP/PFI agreements
- an NHS Foundation Trust on the transfer to a subsidiary company of its estates management function and associated facilities.
"His ability to 'get to the root of issues that concern schools.'"
"He is always very solution-focused, looking for the best possible outcome for the school."