Dale is a managing associate who joined the real estate team in 2014 having completed a training contract with the firm.
He advises in relation to site acquisition documents including conditional and un-conditional purchases. He advises developers, investors and registered providers as to suitability of development sites. Dale also advises on complex reports on title and site assembly matters. He has experience of planning conditional contracts; option agreements; overage agreements and infrastructure easements and transfers. Dale has acted on the sale and purchase of affordable housing units for both registered providers and developers.
As well as advising in relation to development matters, Dale also advises in relation to the sale and purchase of existing residential properties and portfolios. His experience includes assisting with large-scale portfolio acquisitions and sales of properties throughout England. Dale also advises on individual unit sales and purchases.
Examples of experience include advising:
- Bellway advising in relation to the acquisition of a 309 unit scheme by Bellway and Taylor Wimpey acting under a collaboration agreement near Bolton
- Bellway advising in relation to the acquisition of a 87 unit scheme near Newcastle Upon Tyne
- Urban & Civic plc in connection with unit sale matters and has assisted with portfolio disposals of residential property
- Grainger plc assisting in advising on the purchase of a portfolio of 61 properties in Chelsea and Knightsbridge areas of London worth a total of £160M.