Jenna specialises in real estate. She advises a range of clients operating in the energy, transport and retail sectors and has worked with institutional clients as well as smaller commercial clients. 

Jenna has a broad experience in commercial property transactions and energy related property work including freehold transactions, landlord and tenant matters, title reviews and investigation, unregistered land and investment purchases.

Jenna works for a variety of clients including investors, developers, lenders and renewable energy companies such as Scottish Power Generation, Renewable Energy Systems, REG, Vattenfall and GVO.


Examples of experience include advising:
  • East Anglia Offshore Wind Limited, a Scottish Power Renewables and Vattenfall joint venture in respect of the development of a 1.2GW offshore wind farm in East Anglia. Jenna's role has included investigation of title of several landowners across the cable route, raising enquiries and reporting on title
  • E.ON in respect of their Rampion offshore windfarm project. Jenna's role has included the investigation of title of numerous landowners across the cable route and reporting on title 
  • Multi-landowner acquisitions for RES UK & Ireland Limited, Nuon UK Limited and RWE Innogy UK Limited in relation to option agreements for onshore windfarm developments, and
  • A national transport infrastructure operator on a variety of real estate matters including drafting and negotiating agreements for leases, retail leases, arches leases, sale and purchases, licences for alterations, deeds of easement and rectifications. 
Jenna also has experience in dealing with pre-contract searches, search results, investigation of title, reviewing replies to pre-contract enquiries and preparing title reports.