Simon has over 30 years’ experience in the construction industry, specialising in dispute resolution in the infrastructure, energy, PFI/PPP and subsea/offshore sectors for a wide variety of public and private sector clients. He has extensive experience in all forms of dispute resolution, both domestic and international, including adjudication, litigation, arbitration, mediation and expert determination under a wide variety of contract forms, both standard and bespoke.
He is a Visiting Fellow at the Faculty of Engineering and the Environment at Northumbria University. He writes and lectures regularly on construction law issues and has taken a particular interest in the legal issues surrounding the introduction and development of BIM. Simon is regional coordinator for the north-east branch of the Society of Construction Law and a member of TeCSA.
Examples of experience include advising:
- A major Kuwaiti engineering contractor in an ICC arbitration in relation to claims arising out of a processing plant in the Middle East
- A specialist subsea contractor in relation to the trenching and installation of cables and interface operations for a large offshore wind array on the north German coast. Claims resolved successfully to the client’s satisfaction during the course of an ICC arbitration
- Carillion J.M. Limited in relation to a successful claim by Carillion for recovery of losses in excess of £8m arising out of a defectively-designed soil nail retaining wall adjacent to a major railway line in London. Reported as Carillion JM Limited v Phi Group [2011] EWHC 1379 (TCC)
- An NHS Trust in a dispute with the SPV relating to the adequacy of the ventilation system for acutely ill immuno-supressed patients in a major hospital redevelopment procured under the PFI
- A major transport sector client in relation to disputes concerning rail infrastructure work in excess of £28 million on the basis of an amended ICE D&C form
- The Department of Education in relation to a claim in excess of £15m concerning a landmark central London building utilising the NEC3 suite of contracts
- The ESFA in relation to a number of disputes with contractors concerning claims for additional asbestos in schools in London and the North East. Claims resolved to the client's satisfaction
- A mechanical & electrical subcontractor in a claim against the provider of a sixth form college in relation to ventilation systems incorporated in the college. Claim resolved to the client's satisfaction shortly before trial
- A local authority in relation to an £8m claim concerning a street lighting modification project based on a heavily amended NEC3 contract. Matter is ongoing
- A local authority in relation to a claim brought by a company concerning additional payments arising out of a programme of installation of solar panels. Claim resolved to the client's satisfaction following mediation
- A substantial metropolitan council in relation to a £9m claim concerning development of a cycle super highway. Very substantial adjudication claim lasting five months and involving in excess of 100 files and multiple issues arising out of an NEC3 contract. Claim successfully defended on behalf of the Council and result to the Council's entire satisfaction following conclusion of the adjudication.
"Simon Lewis is an excellent construction lawyer who is highly regarded by his team for his clear and strategic approach."
"Strategically excellent."
"He sets his leading edge advice against a background of commercial pragmatism."
"Very knowledgeable and proactive."
"Experienced, sage, utterly decent, clever and good."