Sian Ballingall is a real estate and regeneration specialist with extensive local government experience, advising on a broad range of projects, including development schemes, delivery and trading structures, and local government law. 

She previously held the post of Head of Legal Services and Deputy Monitoring Officer at Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council, having supported and advised two of the predecessor unitary authorities on local government reorganisation.

Prior to joining local government, Sian was a senior associate in a real estate team of a 'Magic Circle' law firm acting on a variety of work, including acquisitions, disposals and landlord and tenant work.


  • Advising a local authority on the acquisition of a large, complex industrial site and the implementation of development arrangements to secure the delivery of social housing
  • Advising a local authority on the provision of grant funding to the owners of a strategically significant brownfield site earmarked for housing delivery and subsequently advising on decision-making relating to the exercise of compulsory purchase powers, negotiations, site acquisition and grant funding arrangements
  • Advising local authorities on joint venture arrangements in connection with key regeneration initiatives, including in connection with procurement issues, loan arrangements, State aid / subsidy control and appropriation for planning purposes
  • Advice on numerous issues relating to the implementation and ongoing operation of joint working arrangements, including joint committees and shared ownership Teckal vehicles, wholly owned local authority companies and corporate trusteeship, including in relation to governance, commissioning, operational support, funding, procurement, information governance and subsidy control
  • Providing advice on public bodies' powers and duties (including in relation to subsidy control, section 123 LGA 1972 and Best Value) and decision-making requirements, consultation and the Public Sector Equality Duty.