Karen is a practice development lawyer specialising in employment law. She has more than 30 years' experience of advising employers and employees. She is responsible for ensuring that the employment team is kept fully up-to-date with relevant legislation and case law, curating our employment precedents and knowhow, writing training and webinars/seminars for clients, producing bespoke newsletters, horizon scanners and reports, updating our timeline and key facts sheet and maintaining our Twitter account.
Karen organises and writes our regular employment clubs. She has spoken at CIPD events and has taught employment law to solicitors for Central Law Training. She has had articles published in various legal and HR journals and is a member of the Employment Lawyers’ Association.
Karen also co-authored the firm's joint report with the Energy and Environment Alliance (EEA), 'The "S" in ESG for the hospitality sector', which explores the key social issues and challenges in the hospitality industry and offers suggestions for businesses to make a tangible, long-lasting social impact.