
COVID has changed many people's perceptions and thoughts on how to utilise land. Our next webinar in our property owners post-COVID series delved into this topic, looking at changes to land, the strategic planning and partnerships which have grown over the past year. The panellists advised on how rural land owners can adapt and better use their land, while considering the risks in future planning.

The panel was chaired by Alexander Dickinson, Partner, Womble Bond Dickinson, who was joined by:

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Government incentives and environmental projects

Johnny and Charlotte discussed the newly launched Sustainable Farm Incentive and considered how this may lead onto ELMS. Aidan discussed priorities for lenders whilst Nick spoke on tax policy and risks facing landowners.

Johnny spoke also on forestry and the challenges faced by those seeking to create new woodland whilst Kate spoke about the developing approach of planners to Biodiversity Net Gain.

Retirement of farmers

Charlotte spoke about the perceived shortcomings in the government's proposals to encourage farmers to retire. Kate spoke on planning for building retirement homes.

Banks and lending for rural estates

Aidan spoke about interest rates and inflation as well as the approach of banks to ESG. Charlotte also spoke to ESG issues and particularly to the approach of new entrants and stewards.


Johnny spoke to the developing market for Carbon and the difficult decisions facing landowners about when and how to take advantage of these opportunities. Nick spoke about the financial considerations whilst Charlotte spoke to the need for rural estates to set the example for other sectors.

Redeploying capital and residential property

All panellists spoke to the challenge of owning let residential property and questioned whether some residential properties should be sold with the capital raised being redeployed elsewhere. The session ended with panellists giving their top tips for the year ahead.

This article is for general information only and reflects the position at the date of publication. It does not constitute legal advice.