Many of you will no doubt have welcomed the Chancellor's news earlier this month that charities across the UK will receive a £750 million package of support to ensure they can continue their vital work during the coronavirus outbreak, and that the Government will match donations to the National Emergencies Trust as part of the BBC's Big Night In fundraiser which takes place later this evening. So it is not all doom and gloom for the sector, we're so pleased to hear.
Before you put your feet up and get ready for tonight's Big Night In, we set out below a quick roundup of the latest COVID-19 developments for the sector.
Job Retention Scheme (JRS)
On Monday the portal for making claims under the JRS opened. The Government, in the meantime, has published a document explaining how to claim and has updated its previous guidance on who the JRS applies to (including providing clarity on the application of the JRS to those on sick leave). Read our online FAQs here for the latest on this.
Key themes for charities and not-for-profit organisations
For those of you who were unable to join our online seminar this week (kindly hosted by NECC), our slides from that are available here. The topics that we covered were: (i) trustee – duties and obligations during COVID-19 (ii) workforce – managing cost and promoting well-being (iii) operational matters – commissioners and contracts; and (iv) funding and fundraising.
Funding opportunities
NVCO has published a helpful list of funding opportunities for charities (in addition to the funding pledged from the Government) which you can read here.
New fundraising guidance
On Monday the Fundraising Regulator published new guidance to help those launching their own online fundraising appeals to ensure that those appeals are legal, ethical and as effective as possible. The Fundraising Regulator's 10 step guide can be found here.
Furloughed workers and volunteering
A group of 60 charity leaders has recently called on the Government to allow voluntary sector staff who have been furloughed to volunteer for their own organisations given that charitable services are needed now more than ever. Currently furloughed employees are able to volunteer, but not for their own organisations.Watch this space.
We will continue to publish practical advice over the coming weeks to help ensure that you are supported as the situation develops, but please do get in touch in the meantime if you have any concerns or questions and we will do our best to help you.
This article is for general information only and reflects the position at the date of publication. It does not constitute legal advice.