Danielle Herritt has 20 years of experience helping life sciences companies develop and protect their commercial products. She has obtained dozens of patents listed in the FDA Orange Book, and successfully defended them.
Danielle has also defended her clients in multiple parallel PTAB and district court proceedings, and has obtained relief at the Federal Circuit. Representative commercial products include antibody, small peptide and small molecule formulations and their delivery platforms and dosing regimens, as well as diagnostics and clinical skin care products and devices.
Presentations and Publications
- Negotiating and Drafting Masterclass: Considerations for Structuring the Deal and the Relevant Documents Post-IP Due Diligence, American Conference Institute, November 15, 2019
- Life Sciences at the PTAB, Boston Patent Law Association’s (BPLA) First Annual PTAB Summit, November 2, 2016
- What Akamai & McKesson Mean for Patent Infringement, MCLE Webcast Program, October 18, 2012
- Prolonging Term: Hours, Days, Months, The Rags of Time, Comparative Patent Practice Conference, Tokyo, Japan, November 16, 2011
- Patent Reform: US Overhauls Patent System-Will Europe?, Comparative Patent Practice Conference, Tokyo, Japan, November 16, 2011
Professional Activities
- Boston Bar Association
- Boston Patent Law Association
- Women’s Bar Association
- American Chemical Society
Honors and Awards
- Managing IP's Top 250 Women in IP
- Selected to the Massachusetts Rising Stars list by Super Lawyers (Thomson Reuters) in Intellectual Property, 2007 – 2009, 2011
- IAM Patent 1000: The World's Leading Patent Practitioners, 2024
Any result the lawyer or law firm may have achieved on behalf of clients in other matters does not necessarily indicate similar results can be obtained for other clients.
- Due diligence for pharmaceutical companies in recent transactions resulting in financings and acquisitions, as well as in initial public offerings.
- Developing intellectual property portfolios for FDA approved drug products treating pain, addiction, depression, osteoporosis, skin care, GI disorders, and migraines, among others.
- Representing a client in an ongoing dispute including multiple PTAB challenges both as petitioner and patent owner, several federal circuit appeals, and parallel district court proceedings in three states.
- Successful resolution of a district court litigation and several PTAB proceedings in the diagnostics space.
- Representing a printed circuit board fabricator in its prosecution and worldwide licensing of its fabrication portfolio relating to chemical deposition.
- Representing companies with respect to food allergy diagnostics, pain and addiction drugs, formulations and dosing of approved therapeutic antibody products, diagnostic gels and blood analysis kits, implants for delivery of long-acting drugs, an FDA approved botulinum composition, antibody-drug conjugates, vaccines, and chimeric antigen receptors.