About Womble Bond Dickinson (International) Limited
Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP and Womble Bond Dickinson (US) LLP are members of Womble Bond Dickinson (International) Limited, a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with registered number 10796424 and with its registered office at 4 More London Riverside, London, SE1 2AU. Womble Bond Dickinson (International) Limited does not, directly or indirectly, provide legal or other services to clients. Its purpose is to act as a coordinating entity for its members.
Womble Bond Dickinson is the name and brand under which the members of Womble Bond Dickinson (International) Limited (Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP and Womble Bond Dickinson (US) LLP) and their respective controlled, managed and affiliated firms (each a “Womble Bond Dickinson Entity” and together the “Womble Bond Dickinson Entities”) provide regulated legal or other services to clients around the world.
The members of Womble Bond Dickinson (International) Limited operate and carry on business as independent, separate and autonomous legal entities. They are not one international or global partnership and the members of Womble Bond Dickinson (International) Limited are not legal partners with each other. Therefore, no Womble Bond Dickinson Entity is responsible for the acts or omissions of, nor has any authority to obligate or otherwise bind, any other Womble Bond Dickinson Entity or Womble Bond Dickinson (International) Limited. Similarly, Womble Bond Dickinson (International) Limited does not in any way manage or control any Womble Bond Dickinson Entity and is not responsible for the acts or omissions of, nor has any authority to obligate or otherwise bind, any Womble Bond Dickinson Entity.
The use of the name "Womble Bond Dickinson" and words or phrases such as "firm", "law firm", "transatlantic legal practice" or "international legal practice" are for convenience only and do not imply that all or any of such entities are in partnership together or accept responsibility for the acts or omissions of each other. Legal responsibility for the provision of services to clients is defined in engagement terms entered into between clients and the relevant Womble Bond Dickinson Entity and these should be relied upon in determining liability for the services provided.
In accordance with the common terminology used in professional service organisations, we use the term "partner" in this Site to refer to a person who is a member, partner or person of equivalent standing or authority in an individual Womble Bond Dickinson Entity.