*Sharon Clayton is not licensed to practice law. Her activities are directly supervised by members of the firm licensed to practice law in the firm’s Winston-Salem office.

Sharon is an experienced healthcare provider and administrator with a deep knowledge of billing and compliance hazards. She combines the instincts of a seasoned nurse with the current regulatory information needed to reduce client compliance risks. Sharon assists clients with compliance questions; hospital and provider education; billing, due diligence and coding audits and charge master reviews.

Sharon’s clients include large hospital systems, individual hospitals, critical access hospitals and physician practices. She has led large projects including billing and coding audits for hospitals and physician practices, coding education for hospital clinicians and physicians and integrated charge master reviews for both international and US hospital systems. Her clinical experience allows her to create a collaborative educational environment for healthcare providers regarding coding, billing and compliance.

Sharon brings a provider perspective to compliance. Prior to becoming a consultant and auditor, Sharon was a practicing RN and a health care administrator for over 25 years.

A seasoned consultant, Sharon has worked for large consulting companies and has managed her own practice. She has conducted revenue integrity projects in the UK for a large hospital system. She has provided guidance for compliant charge capture, correct code assignment and process improvement for both large and small clients.


Any result the lawyer or law firm may have achieved on behalf of clients in other matters does not necessarily indicate similar results can be obtained for other clients.

  • Conducted education audits for hospital clinicians and physicians in both large and small institutions, using the clinician’s own documentation as a teaching tool for enhanced learning and compliance.
  • Led revenue integrity and charge master review projects for a UK five hospital system, a New York state three hospital system, a large Florida children’s hospital and several individual hospitals including a number of critical access hospitals.
  • Managed repayment audits using the OIG protocol for repayment audits for several large and small hospital systems and physician practices regarding procedure and E&M coding, DME billing and coding and place of service billing.
  • Conducted specialty coding audits including radiation oncology, E&M, outpatient surgery, pharmacy, infusion therapy, interventional radiology and outpatient hospital services.
  • Provided compliance guidance for DME, urology, laboratory, radiation oncology, radiology and hospital and professional coding and billing.