Dan Orvin Leads American College of Real Estate Lawyers Mid-Year Meeting in Charleston
Mar 21 2023
CHARLESTON, S.C.—Womble Bond Dickinson Partner Dan Orvin served as the Meeting Leader for the Mid-Year Meeting of the American College of Real Estate Lawyers (ACREL) held in Charleston March 16-19, 2023. In addition to serving as the Meeting Leader for the Charleston meeting, Orvin is the Vice-Chair of Fall Meetings for the Programs Committee and is a member of several substantive committees.
During the Charleston meeting, WBD held a reception (hosted by WBD ACREL Fellows) at the firm’s 12 Exchange conference center following a historic preservation walking tour on Saturday, March 18, where WBD Partner Allen Gibson gave a short history of the 12 Exchange building and its renovation.
ACREL was founded in 1978 to improve the quality of real estate law and practice, and to promote high standards of professional and ethical responsibility in the practice of real estate law. Orvin's practice combines litigation and transactional experience to serve clients in both real estate development and real estate-related dispute resolution. Orvin is also a member of the American College of Mortgage Attorneys (ACMA) and has held several leadership positions in the American Bar Association's Section of Real Property, Trust & Estate Law.