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All Contributors Frances Everett Evan Boetticher Nicholas Acevedo Lynn Acford Alfred G. Adams Reid C. Adams, Jr. Mary Craven Adams Abhijit P. Adisesh Peter S. Adolf Paul G. Afonso T. Emiliano Aguirre* William Akerman Hideki Akiyama 秋山 秀希 Anthony Alderman Sophie Alexander Patrick M. Allen Elizabeth Allen Heidi Allen Nicola Allen Nicola Allport Alfredo T. Alonso* Amy E. Altshuler Jack F. Altura Robert R. Ambler, Jr. Arooj Amer Anthony K. Amert* Lela M. Ames Jennifer Erickson Ammirati Moses Jeremy Amtry, Ph.D.* Krishna Anand Stephen Anderson Lauren F. Anderson D. Scott Anderson Scot Anderson Scott D. Anderson Joanne Anderson Marina A. Andrews James H. Andros Luke Andruszewski Dagmar Anker Frances Antoniak Stephanie Antrobus Nadia G. Aram Yalda Godusi Arellano Elizabeth K. Arias Kerry Arkins David Armstrong Lydia Armstrong Eudora F. S. Arthur Ian Atkinson Verity Atkinson Todd A. Atkinson David L. Attanasio Daniel M. Attaway Meghan Aubry Caitlin T. Augerson F. Reid Avett Azie S. Aziz, Ph.D.* Tracy A. Bacigalupo Shari B. Domow Bacsardi Anne L. Bailey Martin Bailey Sian Bailey Emily Bain Jeremy L. Baker Stephen Baker Francisco Balduzzi* Janice C. Baldwin Siân Ballingall David M. Banker Reid Barber Bryant D. Barber Mark Barley G. Michael Barnhill Tim Barr Kira Barrientos Trevor G. Bartel Paula Bartlett Bryan C. Bartnik Paige Barton Nick Barwood Amy Battinson Deena R. Battista, Ph.D.* Sara M. Bauer Nick Bauman Frederick J. Baumann Geoffrey K. Beach Kim Beane* Laura Beardsmore Joanna Beattie-Edwards Brittany Beaumont Ian F. Beckelman Todd M. Becker* David Beckstead Kendra N. Beckwith Simon Beckwith Tom Beezer Kevin Bell John Bellipanni Merrick J. Benn Caressa D. Bennet Michael R. Bennet Alan Bennett Raymond M. Bennett Eleanor Bentley Dibora L. Berhanu David A. Berkley Randall K. Bernard Zachary N. Bernstein R. Russell Berry Samit A. Bhalala Grace Billings Paul H. Billow David M. Bixby Pete Black Matthew K. Blackburn Jonathan Blair Laurel R.S. Blair G. Warren Bleeker Charlotte Bloomfield Julius H. Bodie Michael James Bogle Will Bonas Emma Bond Hannah Borowski Ashley Borthwick John P. Bossert Simon Bosworth Mary W. Bourke Ben Bourke* Chris Bowen Jonathan Bower Robin L. Bowers Fin Boyce Keely Bradley John E. Bragonje Neil Braithwaite Eryn Brasovan Scott R. Breining, Ph.D.* Stephen M. Bressler Anthony H. Brett Sebastian Briggs Robert G. Brinkley Jon Brinkman Robert A. Broadbent Sally Brock Laura Brodie Peter B. Bromaghim Becky Brook Ben Brooks Matthew Brooks Victoria Brooks David P. Broughton Ogonna M. Brown Nicholas Brown Charles D. Brown, II David Brown Michael Brown Victoria A. Bruno Samantha Bryant B. Logan Buck, Ph.D. Zachary S. Buckheit Bruce A. Buckley Alexander J. Buckley Tim Burbidge Hailey R. Bureau, Ph.D. Karen McLaurin Buresh Michaela Purser Christa E. Burger Neil Burnett Thomas A. Burnham Benjamin E. Busboom* Doug Butler Ben Butler Chad S. Caby Ryan W. Cagle Bryant S. Caldwell Richard R. Cameron Jacqueline E. Camp J. Owen Campbell Harriet Campbell R. Travis Campbell Madeline Campbell, Ph.D.* Stacey Cannon Peter Cantwell John Cao Natalie Caple Elizabeth Caple Tom Caplen Adam Carmichael Andrew Carr Sharon Carr Tyler J. Carrell Todd Carroll John Carson William Carter, CIPP/US Mark Casey Sara Casey Lorna Casford Michael R. Cashin Luke Cass Keith M. Casto Brian Castro Michelle F. Catapang B. Taber Cathcart Georgie Catherwood Joseph Causer Alice Causer Beth Caygill Gregory M. Chabon Amrita Chakrabarti Jasmine Chalashtori Macy M. Chan Wayne M. Chancellor A. Joseph Chandler Josephine E. Chang Samuel S. Chang Alex Chapman Rob Charles Emily Charlesworth Stephanie Chau, CIPP/US Nikith Chavali Steven P. Chen Eric Cheong Karen Chiu* Tara N. Cho, CIPP/US, CIPP/E Jamie Chou Michael M. Choy Christos Christodoulou Afroditi Christodoulou Joshua T. Chu Jason Chu* Caroline Churchill Andrew N. Claerbout Christine P. Claffey Louisa C. Clark Michael E. Clark Isobel Clark Tracey Clarke Theodore F. Claypoole Amy H. Clayton Sharon Clayton* Laura Clifforde Keith A. Clinard Steve Clinton Gerard M. Clodomir Ellie-Rose Cloney Kendra Cobb Andrew B. Coburn Richard Cockburn Lori B. Cohen Tracy Cohen David Cole Jo Coleman Paul Coleman Jennifer Collings Jennifer S. Collins Amber Collins Wilson Collins David M. Collins Richard Collins Jody Collins Hillary V. Colonna Todd M. Conley James E. Connelly Joseph R. Connelly III Tyler Connor, CIPP/US John Connor Michael Conway Dana Cook Owen Cook James Cook John C. Cooke Jim D. Cooley James P. Cooney, III Jon Cooper Katie Cooper Sally Cooper Susan H. Cooper James Cooper Anthony A. Coppola Sarah A. Core David A. Corley, Ph.D.* Ruth Corrigan Megan Corry Katherine Costella Jonathan M. Cote Hannah Cottam Nicola Cotton Abigail Courville Stephen Covell Cristin H. Cowles, Ph.D. Janice Cowley Rebecca Cowley Helen Coxon Joshua G. Crandell Daniel P. Crane Erica Cranford David H. Crawford Helen Creech David Cribb Nikole M. Crow Lucy C. Crow Katherine Crowley Chelsea Cullen Justin D. Cumming Tim Cunion Emma Cunningham-Burley Michelle Currer Michael J. Curry Dr. Geoffrey M. Curtin, Ph.D.* Patricia Cymerman Stephen Dagg Lenny Dalby David Dale Carol Daley Sally Dallow Thomas J. Daly Aaron Danelian Tri C. Dang Laura Daniels Dale A. Danneman Kiana N. Garcia Darlington* Sarah Daun Richard D. David Roy Davidson Jill Davidson Karen B. Davies Gareth Davies Jon Davies Jacqueline Davies Lee Davis Ronald R. Davis Linwood L. Davis Kevin J. Davis, Ph.D. Joshua P. Davis Laurie Dawson William T. Dawson III Katie Dawson Julia de la Parra Bradford A. De Vore Joseph Dean Jeffrey W. Deane Kean J. DeCarlo Nicola Deedes M. Rhett DeHart Mark R. DeLuca, Ph.D.* Caroline Denning Gary R. DePalo Pat Derdenger James Shelton Derrick Donald J. Detweiler Scott D. DeWald Eleni Diamantopoulou Ian Dickinson Alexander Dickinson Stephen Dilley Casandra Dimala Sarah Dinshaw Sam Dixon Andrew F. Dixon Emma Doble Simon Dobson Steven Dodds Alexander Dolling Emma Donachie James E. Dority Thomas J. Dougherty Katherine Douglas Christina Upton Douglas Michael F. Dow Jason M. Drake Robert Drewett Sophie Driscoll Lisa Dromgoole Clark R. Drummond Sharon Du Andrew Dubin Suzanne Duff Ed Duffield Peter J. Duffley Sandy Duncanson Christine Dupriest Jordyn N. D’Andrea Trent Earl Beth Eaton Arthur A. Ebbs Madison E. Edenfield* Derek W. Edwards Hunter S. Edwards L. Neill Edwards David Efird Justin O. Ehresmann, Ph.D. Amaney Ehtash Ryan D. Ellard Kevin Elliott Morris A. Ellison Gavin Ellison Nigel Emmerson Jonathan M. Engram Angela Ennis* Alan F. Enslen Erin Epley Michelle Essen Liz Evans Kelsey Ewing B. Chad Ewing Taylor Ey, CIPP/US, CIPP/E Kate Eyres Gearalt Fahy Stephen P. Farkas Andrew Farquharson Jon Farthing Vida Fatemi Dan Fawcett Todd Feltus Deirdre Fenton Skye Fenton-Wells Alex Fergus Rebecca Ferguson Victoria Ferguson Russ Ferguson Melissa Gunthner Ferrario Eric V. Figueroa Andrew Filipour Naomi Findlay Erin Finsten Daniel L. Fitzgerald Tom Fitzpatrick Anne Fleeson Jonathon A. Fligg Sarah Foden Paul M. Fogleman John V. Forcier F. Cordes Ford IV Will Ford Sophie Foster Newton B. Fowler, III Madison Fox Christine Fox Curtis Fox-Field James J. Fradenburg Jamile J. Francis, III Will Fraser Alan C. Freeland Susan M. Freeman Jane Freeman Mason E. Freeman Steven J. French Jessica French Louis Froelich Joel C. Fry Mary Lou Fry Charles C. Frye* William S. (Evan) Fultz Joshua Funderburke Jason C. Furedy Suzanne Gado Ellie Gadsby Michelle Gaeng W. Foster Gaillard Rosie Gaisford Kathleen O. Gallagher Amy Gallimore Amy Galloway John S. Gambaccini Joanna Gannon Emma Garfit Richard Garner John F. Garziglia Emily Gascoyne-Richards Christopher J. Geis Damian C. Georgino Katie Gerber Gregory Gerbus Karen K. Gerlach, Ph.D., M.P.H.* Christa Geyer* Julie Giardina Jenny Gibbs C. Allen Gibson Jr. Joshua Gibson, Ph.D.* Virginia L. Gibson Nicola Giddens Fiona Giles Julian Gill Catherine Gill Ryan L. Gillcrist Larry Gillen Eric K. Glidewell Jacqueline M. Goble Hannah Goldstein Jeff Golimowski Rosie Gollan Analilia Gomez Jessica L. Gorczynski, Ph.D. Garrett D. Gordon Tara K. Gorman Justin K. Gowan Sarah Gowan Fiona Graham Olivia Graham Katerina Grainger Alexandre de Gramont John C. Gray CIPP/US Murray C. Greason, Jr Ronald J. Green Jr. Iain Greenshields Katherine B. Greffet Ellen M. Gregg Jonny Gribben Victoria E. Grieshammer Bethany Edmondson Griffin Lindsey Griffiths Edward W. Griggs Daniel M. Grigore Sahana Grimaldi Henry E. Grimball Matthew V. Grumbling Elisabeth Gubb Phyllis A. Guillory Philip P. Gura Steve Gurganus* Nicola Guss Ana Maria Gutiérrez Richard Guyatt Christopher J. Gyves Gemma Haggan John D. Hagner Jon Hales Suzanne Halifax Charlotte Hall Kevin A. Hall Andrea Hall Catherine Hall Stacey Hall William M. Hall* Christopher M. Hall* Erica R. Halstead Leslie Hamilton Rachel Hammond Stephen Hands Scarlett Hanks Walter W. Hansell Randall A. Hanson Kate Hanson Debbie W. Harden Abby Harder Andrew Harding Emma Harling-Phillips Rhonda Payne Harmon Thomas L. Harper Jr. David D. Harrell Charlotte Harris Jennifer Harris Brooke Lee Harris Brandy L. Harris Emily E. Harrison Kayleigh Harrison-Dunford Stephen M. Hart Samuel B. Hartzell Paul Harvey Caitlyn Harvey Devin K. Harvin Art Hasan Emma Hatherell John C. Hawk IV Nicholas B. Hawkins* Christine L. Hawkins Deborah K. Hayes Frances J. Haynes Sonny S. Haynes Michael Haynes Caitlin Haynes-Parry Preston H. Heard Lorraine Heard Grace Hearn Ryan Hebert Brandon M. Hellewell Gary Hellmann, Ph.D.* Sarah Hemsley Lorrae Hendry Meri Heneage Keira Hennings Mark P. Henriques Barry J. Herman Howard W. Herndon Nick R. Herrick Danielle L. Herritt Niall Hevey Simon Hewes Alice Hewitt Christopher N. Hewitt Matthew L. Hickman Lucas Hickman Jack B. Hicks Jason C. Hicks Alexander Hill Lisa Marie Hill Jonathan R. Hilliard Keith O. Hinder Jr. Cathy A. Hinger Sasha Hinton Andrew Hirst Taylor S. Hite Laura E. Hoag Jon Hobbs Donna Hobbs Jason Hobday Robert Hockenbury Chloe Hockin Amy Hodge Francesca Hodgson Dietrich C. Hoefner Ari B. Hoffman Thomas Holdaway Ian Holden Monica A. Holiday Briony Holland Hayden Holliman Taberah Joy Holloway* Luke Holmes Sarah Holmes Blake L. Holt Melissa Holt* Carly Holt Matthew B. Homan Mark Honeywell Georgina Hook Katie Hopkins* Aaron J. Horner Greg Horton Jennifer K. Hostetler Jennifer Housden, RN, BSN* Sean D. Houseal Kristina B. Hovsepyan Patrice Z. Howard, Ph.D. Katie Howell Art Howson Lorena Hoxhaj Yen-Kai (Eldwin) Hseu Peter C Hsueh Aris Huang Ting-Yu Huang* Christy Hubbard William Hubbard Jenna Hughes Simon Hughes Steve Hulsman Sarah M. Humble Christopher M. Humphrey Rebecca Hunter John Nathan Hunter Paul Hunter Haley Hurst Joe Hykan Scott J. Hyman, CIPP (US/E), CIPM, CIPT Eric S. Hyman Travis Iams Rory Ibbotson Michael Ierace Mike Ingersoll Fred Irving Amanda Jackson David A. Jackson Stephen Jackson Andrew Jacobsohn Naomi Jacques William L. Jaffe Srikanth Jandhyala Ellie Jefferson Danny Jeffrey Robert Jeffrey Graham Jeffries Kirk C. Jenkins Jun-Young E. Jeon Trent E. Jernigan Andrew Jerrard Eric Jiang Kate Johnson Cyrus M. Johnson, Jr. Morgan E. Johnson Sharon McBrayer Johnson Aaron D. Johnson Amy Johnson Eve S. Jomp Nikki Jonas Jane Jeffries Jones Kent Jones Rachel Jones Sara Jones Scott A. Jones* David Jones Christopher W. Jones Taylor Jones* Beth Tyner Jones J. Christopher Jorgensen James H. Joyce Dan Joyner Wojciech F. Jung Andrij Jurkiw Kimberly S. Justus Beth Kalischer Jaeciea Kalsi Sonal Kang John C. Kang Paul A. Kaplan* Kathryn E. Karacia Kolby S. Karesh Afzal Karim Audrey N. Karman Olga Katsnelson William Katzen Ash Kaur Nesa Kayoueche Joshua Kear James K. Kearney Sarah Anne Keefe Rachel E. Keen E. Barlow Keener Laura A. Kees Kyle W. Kellar Ashley Kutz Kelley Joe Kelley Daniel Kelley Justine Kelly Kevin M. Kelly Christopher Kent Christopher Kerr-Smiley Kyle G. Kessler, CIPP/E Felicia Khoo Chanell Khosrowabadi Nadine Kilvington Karen Y. Kim Sarah Ann Kim Edward Kim Andrew Kimble Claire Kindred Carl L. King Will King Tish King Jimmy F. Kirkland Simon Kirkup Alex Kirtley Sylvester Kisluk Claire Kistner Harriet Kitchenham Samara Knight Allison L. Ko Kory J. Koerperich Young Seok Koo Sivan R. Korn Robert Kort Kris J. Kostolansky Dale (Malani) Kotchka-Alanes Christopher A. Kreiner Daniel Kremer* Rachel “Gracie” Kreth* Julia Kreyskop Nicole K. Kunnemann Robert Kupkovits Ewelina Kurek Jennifer Kwon Jimmy Y. Kwun George Laidlaw Clare Lamond Gregory S. Lampert Daniella D. Landers Shelton Sterling Laney III Dana W. Lang Elisha Langridge Crystal Lapaire* Anna Larbi Kimberly Soto Larriva Megan E. Larson Peter A. Larson William E. Latham II Gregory T. Lawrence L. Christine Lawson Jeffrey T. Lawyer Andy Layton Charmian Leatt Paul J. LeBlanc, Jr. Cherylyn Harley LeBon Chris Ledgerwood Samantha Lee Carol Lee Elizabeth C. Lee G. Thomas Lee Beth Lee Shaun P. Lee Margaret L. Lefevre Gregory D. Leibold Darren J. Lemieux Jacqueline Lendvai Lilly G. Lentz Chelsea Lequay Sybil Leung Jon Levin Steven M. Levitan Ruth Levy Jemma Lewins Lisa Lewins Megan M. Lewis Michael Lewis Heather Lewis Caitlin Lewis Simon Lewis Yuechu Li* Glenn J. Light Young Lim, Ph.D. Forrest E. Lind Eve Lindsay Sharon Ling Charlie Lister Yao Liu, Ph.D. James S. "Charlie" Livermon III Marianne K. Lizza-Irwin J. Zachary Lloyd Ellen O. Lloyd Laura A. Lo Bianco Christopher L. Lockwood Kenneth W. Logwood (Retired) Joe Long G. William Long III (Retired) Neil Long Vincent Look James Love Karen Jurichko Lowell Alexander R. Lowitt Ronan Lowney Jorge Lozano David Vance Lucas Emma Luscombe Kevin R. Lyn James M. Lyons Michael J. MacDermott Caitlin E. MacDowell Sushma MacGeoch Sheilah Mackie James Macmillan Francesca Macmillan David MacNamara Scott Y. MacTaggart Nomusa Madonsela Molly A. Magestro H. William Mahaffey Saba Mahmood Stephanie Mallery Michael J. Mallie Gloria Malpass, Ph.D.* Dr. Christian E. Mammen Kevin J. Mangan Kim Kelly Mann Abigail Mansell Jessica Mant Constantine Marantidis Fabio E. Marino Helen Marr Ella Marsh Shelby K. Martin A.J. Martinez Kristen L. Martini Nicolas T. Martino Jason C. Martone Paul Mason Tricia Mason, RN, BSN* Brandon W. Massengill Aaron Massuda Marie Anne Mastrovito Olivia Matano Paul A. Matteoni William C. Matthews, Jr. Olivia Maurier Jacqueline Mawson Susan Maxey Peter Maxwell David J. Mazza Beate McBurnie Jack McCarthy Eric J. McCarthy Krista McCarthy Vicky McCombe Shelley McConnell Patrick Emerson McCormick, CIPP/US John McCormick-Huhn, Ph.D. Michael J. McCue John McCullough* Molly McDermid Andrea L. McDonald Hannah McGinty Jack McGlynn Colleen McGlynn J. Whitney McGreevy Seán McGuinness Chloe McGuinness Caitlin McHugh Jeffrey B. McIntyre, CLP Laura McIntyre Lindsay L. McKae Joseph "Rocky" Mckay Colleen McKiernan, Ph.D.* Chris McLauchlan Fiona McLaughlin Scott M. McLeod Christopher J. Mead Lauren Meade Julie Broadus Meigs, Ph.D. Samuel R. Melamed Whitney Melroy-Greif* Emily Melvin Sarah E. Meyer Vishesh Mhatre Elizabeth Michaels John M. Mihelcic, Ph.D.* Yohana Mihreteab Gareth Miles Pressly M. Millen Michael D. Miller Mallory R. Miller Rodney R. Miller Abazar "Arya" Mireshghi Linda M. Mitchell Preston M. Mitchell, AICP* Jonathan T. Mize Philip J. Mohr Aulica Lin Monroe Michael Montecalvo Emma Moody Alecia Moore* Craig Moore Kristina M. Moore* Alison Morden-Hawke Jane Morea Matthew S. Morgan James R. Morgan, Jr. Vanessa Morris Ryan A. Morrison John Morrow Cynthia Spieth Morton Andreas Mosby Nick Moss Lawrence A. Moye, IV Lisa Moyles Maya Muchemwa Danielle A. Mull Beth Mullen Joshua A. Mullen Zachary Murphy Alexandria P. Murphy Dean Murray Benjamin B. Murray Maya Mwansa James D. Myrick George Napier Elizabeth A. Napps Tomio Narita LaShanya Nash* Marty Nastasia Gary J. Nelson Ian Newcombe Thu Nguyen, Ph.D.* Rachel A. Nicholas William H.G. Norman Louise Norman Jo Norris Jed M. Nosal Matt Nott Janna Satz Nugent Chukwukpee Nzegwu Brendan T. O'Dea Fiona O'Kane Harriet C. O'Malley Anne O'Neil M. Elizabeth O'Neill Lindsay Oaster Ben M. Ochoa Seiko Okada, M.D., Ph.D. 岡田 聖子 Christopher H. Oldham Fiona Oliver Kevin Olson Samantha Orluta Alison Orr Daniel Q. Orvin Dan Ovanezian Kelli Ovies Tyler J. Owen Lynn O’Brien David M. Palko Emily Palmer* Berenika D. Palys Chan H. Park Hee Jae Park Melissa Parker Clare Parkin Emma Parsons Andrew Parsons Laura Pasqualone Harshil Patel Shivani Patel Joseph A. Patella Morgan L. Patterson Sue Pattie Mark D. Patton Lori Reese Patton Suzy Pawsey Julie Paxman* Nick Payne Dorinda L. Peacock Allison T. Pearl Matthew D. Pearson Antonia A. Peck Caroline Pellow Gordon R. Penman Jessica Perkins, Ph.D.* Joseph Perkis Joel L. Perrell Jr. Sean F. Perrin John G. Perry John D. Perry Morgan E. Persinger Karthika Perumal, Ph.D. Kristen Thall Peters Kirsten Peterson Andrew Pett Michael J. Phalen Robert Phillips James K. Phillips Sian Phillips Joel G. Pieper Stephen Pierce Simon Pilling Janine L. Pillitteri, Ph.D.* Michael D. Plachy Karen Plumbley-Jones David A. Plumley Toby Poe Aaron E. Pohlmann Daniel F. Polsenberg Izabela Poniewierska Ryan D. Pont Martin Poore Razvan Popa Jessica Portmess Andrew Posluszny* Peyton M. Poston James M. Powell Aubrey K. Powell Nikki Powell Carl Powlson Kurt S. Prange Joseph Pratt Theodore J. Prekop Megan Price Amy Prime Richard A. Prosser Euan Prout Mary B. Pucelik Natalie Puckey John E. Pueschel James E. Quander Fariha Quasem* Katherine L. Quigley Joshua D. Quinn, Ph.D.* Matt Quinn, Ph.D. Katherine Rabey-Bennett Judith L. Rabil Jason D. Radachy James Radcliffe Nicola Radford Emma Radmore Stephanie Raeburn William M. Ragland Jr. Calum Raine Richard L. Rainey Richard J.R. Raleigh, Jr. John Ralph Yvonne Ramsay Deborah Ramshaw Ripley Rand Hilary du Randt Talley Timms Ransil Holly Ransley Chelsie Rapley Mark Ratcliff Claire J. Rauscher John M. Rawicz Denise M. Ray, Ph.D.* Todd Rayner Dillon A. Redding Vicki Redman I'Ans C. Reeder James Rees Lucy Reeve Martin W. Regehr, Ph.D. Adam Reich Jonathan Reid Reich E. Leif Reid Charlie Reid Jarett Durham Reid Thomas W. Remillard Andrew Rennick, CPCU Veronica Renzi Eric S. Replogle, Ph.D. David Rewcastle Jesse S. Reyes William Reynolds Travis Reynolds Ashlee T. Rhoades Ricardo Joseph, Ph.D.* Hunter Rich Adam Richards Kimberly Richards Carrie Richey Kimberly B. Richmond Oliver Rickett Leonie Ricketts Joseph J. Ricotta Jo Rideout David Ridley Lauren Riedy Jake G. Rifkin Joanna Riley Stephanie Smiertka Riley Harry H. Rimm Katie M. (Derrig) Rios Foster Robberson Theodore F. Roberts Kevin Robertson James Robins Deborah Robinson Bethany Robotham Karl Robson Jason M. Rockman Abby Rodham Frederick Rom Nathalie Romain Robert F. Roos Ivan Roots Jessica Rose Paul Rosenzweig Tatiana Rossin* Kenneth F. Rossman, IV Pamela V. Rothenberg Simon Rowland Janice Roy Rashmita Roy Chowdhury Shannalea Runaghan Lisa Rushton Patrick Russell Anne Kelley Russell Ellen Rutherford Karl F. Rutledge Dean Wayne Rutley Adrian Sacharski Sharon Salcedo, RN, BSN* Daniel A. Salgado Gemma Saluta Michael R. Samardzija, Ph.D. Omar Z. Sammakia Jarred Sanders, Ph.D.* Lewis Sanderson Arturo E. Sandoval Pen Sandridge* Maan R. Sangid Samuel A. Savanich John M. Scannapieco Scott A. Schaaf Gina L. Schaecher Jesse A. Schaefer Mirna J. Scheffy Scott A. Schmok* Lindsey A. Schneidman Edward L. Schnitzer Douglas R. Schorr Lewis D. Schorr S.L. Schorr Andrew D. Schorr Gordon Schreck Mark P. Schreiber Cory Schug J.R. Schultz Duncan Scott Nicole Scott Nathan A. Searles Edward L. Seidel Stephanie L. Seidman, Ph.D.* Kimberlynn R. Seifert Marcey Rose Selle Rhiannon Selley Dana K. Severance Hannah Severgnini Kevin Shao Stephen T. Sharbaugh Jocelyn Shaw Sid Shenoy Miriam D. Sheppard Andrea B. Sherk, Ph.D.* Marcella Shone Heidi K. Short Anna V. Short-Slightom Mia Siddique Ethan Siler Hayden J. Silver, III Robert A. Silverman Katie Simmonds Beau Simon Jason R. Simon Mary Ellen Simonson Jeffrey K. Simpson Rachael Simpson Andrew Sinclair Rajan Singh Maggie Singletary, RN, BSN* Rose Smalley-Gordon Stacy Smit Kime H. Smith Ben R. Smith W. Lindsay Smith Greg L. Smith Marcy McLaughlin Smith Tracy A. Smith Nickolas Smith Jennifer Smith Jeremy Smith Claire Smith Kenneth F. Smith Henry B. Smythe Jr. Susan M. Smythe Peter Snaith Stephen J. Snyder Jasleen Sohal Howard N. Solodky Jed E. Solomon Andrew K. Sonricker Brian J. Spano Patrick G. Spaugh Christian Spaulding Maria Morales Spelleri Naomi Spencer Susan Strebel Sperber Christé Spiers Marjorie Spivak Randel S. Springer Frances Scioscia Staadt Martin Stacey Jan A. Steinhour Zaydee Stemmons Ashley Manrique Stephens Christopher Stephens Martin L. Stern Paul Stewart Iain Stewart John R. Still Andy Stirk Kimberly H. Stogner Jade Stokes Josh Stone Jamie H. Stone Sarah Motley Stone Thalia Stowell Lyudmil Stoyanov G. Leighton Stradtman R. Flynt Strean Patrick T. Strubbe Thomas S. Stukes D. Scott Sudderth Kimberly Sullivan Michael J. Sullivan Mackenzie Sullivan Ryan M. Swank Matthew C. Sweger Maisie Swindells Rachel Sykes Dustin R. Szakalski Raymond R. Tabandeh Mariam W. Tadros Mark Tait Lisa Bittle Tancredi Brittni A. Tanenbaum Lex Tansley Khaled Taqi-Eddin Jeffrey L. Tarkenton Ruby Tarsky Kim Tate Barbara Tavares Helen Tavroges Emily Taylor Erin K. Taylor, CAMS Paul Taylor Greer Taylor J. Keith Taylor Rosie Taylor Adam Taylor-Smith Brittany Teague Yarbrough Elizabeth O. Temple Rachel Templeman Amanda L. Thatcher Michael C. Thelen Michael W. Thomas Brian W. Thomas Camilla Thomas Ben Thompson Ryan Thompson Julia Thomson Nathan B. Thoreson Robert B. Thrasher Kristen Tieman Matthew F. Tilley Matthew E. Tillman Elizabeth Tingen Michael A. Tobin Christina Tolvas-Vincent Quinlan S. Tom Trevor Tomlinson Jeffrey Topor Chris Towner Mark Townsend Destin Tracy Joshua Trinkler Nicole G. True Mark L. Tuft Andrew Tuggle Douglas B. Tumminello Kimberley Turner Paul B. Turner David Contreiras Tyler タイソン 昌美 Masami Izumida Tyson Daniel Ueno JD Uglum Chris A. Underwood Jake Unsworth Madeline Uren Mark J. Vaders Jack V. Valinoti Jennifer A. Van Kirk Lauren Van Tress Lee K. Van Voorhis Kenneth Van Winkle, Jr. Andrew Vanell Samantha Vanillo Stephen J. Vaughan Helen Vaughan Keith W. Vaughan James F. Vaughan Patricia S. Vermillion Deborah M. Vernon, Ph.D. Travis Vest Randy Gerald Vestal Angela M. Vichick Lester J. Vincent Zoe Vinicombe José Luis Vittor* Charlotte von Sicard Joshua Wabnik Ewelina Wagiel Michael S. Wagner Dan R. Waite R. Andrew Walden Sarah Wales-Canning Nicola Walker Neil Walker James R. Walker Kristin L. Walker-Probst Harriet P. Wallace Genevieve Walser-Jolly, CIPP/US Tracy Walsh Jason L. Walters Alistair Walton Peter R. Wand William S. Wang Ran Wang Nina Gawne Ward Matthew P. Ward Charlotte Wardman James Warhurst William R. Warnock Jr. Emma Warran-Day Sarah R. Warren Yuko Watanabe* 渡邊 裕子* Joann A. Waters David Wathen Davina Watson Katie Watson Jessica Watts Simon Watts Robert Wayland James E. Weatherholtz Kurt D. Weaver Claire C. Weglarz Emma Welch Harry Wells John F. Welsh Daniel C. Wennogle Courtney C. Wenrick Andrew Westbrook Sara Wex Michael Wharton Alexander P. Wharton Jacob S. Wharton Emmett J. Whelan Jennifer White Nancy L. White Chip White Holly C. White Sarah White Brendan H. White Courtney Whiting Joe D. Whitley Jeffrey S. Whittle Helen Whymant Mackenzie Wigal* Ian Wildish Laura Wiles C. Mark Wiley Sarah J. Wilk Jenny Wilkes Yi S. Wilkinson, Ph.D. Ria Wilkinson Claire Wilkinson Chloe Williams Wyatt Williams Adrian Williams Savion Williams Edward Williams George Williams* Rachel Williams Joe Williams Jace D. Williams Dannielle D. Williard Catherine Willis Tom Willows Amy D. Wills Jane Wilson Drew Wilson, CIPP/US Sarah Wilson James M. Wilson Al Windham Katie Winter-Vaux Karen L. Witt Cyd B. Wolf Joy Allen Woller Fintan Wolohan Erna Womble William F. Womble, Jr. Jeffery P. Woo Julia Wood Bradley O. Wood Daniel L. Wood* James Woodburn Mark Woodward JD Wooten William E. Wright John H. Wright, III Sharon Wright Trudy Wrobel Stanley J. Wrobel Pin Wu, Ph.D. David Wyatt Simon Wyatt Jason D. Wyman Christine Xiao, CIPP/US Sophia Di Xiao Nesma Yahia Sara E. Yates Siho "Scott" Yoo Carrie Marie Young Vicki Young Nick Younger Samantha Younghusband Travis R. Yribarren Leanne C. Yu Andrew Yu-Chih Chiharu Yuki 幸 千春 Rachel E. Yunck, Ph.D. Martha J. Zackin Thomas J. Zamadics, Jr. Bela Zavery Noah Zedek Belton T. Zeigler Brian A. Zemil Yuan Yuan Zhang, Ph.D. Ting Zheng, CIPP/US Meng Zhong Katherine J. Zimmerman