Womble Bond Dickinson partners Tara Cho and Lee Van Voorhis will speak at the North Carolina Bar Association’s Health Law Section Annual Program on April 26 in Cary, N.C. WBD partner Toni Peck serves on the planning committee for this year’s event and also serves as Secretary of the Health Law Council.
The program, “Keeping a Finger on the Pulse” is themed around current developments in health care, with emphasis on those affecting North Carolina. Program topics include the exploration of artificial intelligence's role in health care, including its legal challenges and policy implications, broad privacy issues through a practical exercise led by privacy lawyers and cybersecurity experts, and a discussion on changes to laws and governmental actions that influence competition in the health care sector.
Lee’s panel, “Health Care Consolidation and Antitrust Developments”, will examine recent shifts in federal and state governmental approaches to competition in the health care sector, including pending and recent changes to longstanding guidance and legal norms. Denise Gunter of Nelson Mullins Riley Scarborough and Jessica Sutton of the North Carolina Department of Justice will join Lee on the panel.
Tara’s panel, “You Can't Stop the Inevitable, So Now What? Tabletop Breach Simulation to Test Your Readiness”, will offer an interactive breach simulation for audience members to role-play and participate in responding to a health care cyber incident. Participants will learn how to better prepare for unanticipated challenges that implicate legal, business continuity and operations, reputational and PR factors, technical resilience, and other risk considerations that can collide in the heat of the moment. Barry Mathis of PYA PC will join Tara on the panel.