Womble Carlyle D.C. Office, Stein Mart Step Up to Help Women of N Street Village
Jul 18 2016
WASHINGTON, D.C.—N Street Village helps homeless and low-income women in the nation’s capital get back on their feet. As N Street Village prepares to open its fourth shelter/housing service, it needs the community’s support.
Womble Carlyle’s Washington, D.C. office answered that call. The office orchestrated a linens drive, which included Stein Mart contributing seven boxes of comforters and linen.
The new shelter will provide 24-hour support services and on-site case management to more than 200 residents to meet their health, wellness and long-term housing goals. Unity Health Care will provide oversight of the facility’s 12-medical respite beds and drop-in heath care services.
Womble Carlyle D.C. Office Managing Partner Pam Rothenberg is an honorary board member of N Street Village.