Susan Cooper Discusses NC Brownfields Program in Charlotte Observer
Nov 20 2017
CHARLOTTE, N.C.—The North Carolina Brownfields Program is a highly technical state initiative designed to encourage clean-up and redevelopment of contaminated land. The program offers tax incentives and protection from legal liability to developers willing to clean up contaminated sites.
Womble Bond Dickinson lawyer Susan Cooper frequently guides clients through brownfields issues. She recently spoke to members of CREW Charlotte about the North Carolina Brownfields program, and the Charlotte Observer reported on her comments.
Cooper said, “Using the brownfields program has become a nice economic tool. The tax incentives may be just enough to help make that deal work.”
Currently, the Brownfields Program is being used at a number of redevelopment projects in uptown Charlotte. Supporters say the program encourages clean-up at sites that might be cost-prohibitive under normal circumstances.
Click here to read “The obscure tax break behind some of Charlotte’s biggest new developments” in the Charlotte Observer.
Susan Cooper guides clients in handling environmental issues related to business and real estate transactions, particularly brownfields redevelopment, and regulatory compliance at the local, state and federal level. Her practice is rounded out by her representation of clients in environmental litigation involving a variety of issues including toxic torts, cost recovery, property damage, and administrative penalties.