
WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a new interview with Radio World, Womble Carlyle Telecom attorney John Garziglia discusses the latest developments in AM stations seeking FM translators. In the FCC’s most recent translator application window, more than 1,000 Class C and D AM stations applied.

Garziglia tells Radio World that he was somewhat surprised at just how strong interest is from AM stations, but that he thinks these stations are making a good decision.

“In talking to broadcasters who have already paired an FM translator with an AM station, I have never heard an AM station owner lament that obtaining an FM translator was a bad idea. Rather, I repeatedly hear that even if the FM translator covers just a fraction of the AM coverage area, having the “FM” designation on sales materials alone brings in advertisers that otherwise would not buy,” Garziglia said.

Next, the FCC will publish its list of “singletons”—applications that do not conflict with other applications that have been filed. Garziglia predicts these conflict-free applications will represent approximately 80 percent of the applicant pool.

Click here to read “Here’s What to Watch for Next in AM Translator Process” at Radio World.

John Garziglia represents radio and television broadcasters, offering personalized assistance in all areas of communications and telecommunications law including transactional and contract negotiations for broadcast station mergers and acquisitions, the securing of financing, governmental auctions of new frequencies, license renewals, new stations applications, facility changes, facility upgrades, licensing, and compliance with FCC rules, regulations and policies.


Follow John Garziglia on Twitter at @JohnGarziglia.