PHILADELPHIA—Womble Bond Dickinson attorneys Kristen Cramer and Stephanie Riley will lead a trade secrets presentation at the Intellectual Property CLE Institute, presented by the Greater Philadelphia Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC). The virtual event takes place Tuesday, March 8. 

Cramer and Riley, along with Joshua Dingott, in-house counsel at Hewlett Packard Enterprises, will lead a session titled, “Recent Developments in Trade Secret Law: May Three Keep a Secret if Two of Them Aren’t Dead?”

As set forth in Poor Richard’s Almanac, Benjamin Franklin stated, “Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead.” But how do secrets work in the real world context of an in-house lawyer trying to legally protect the trade secrets of his or her client in 2022?  When is something a trade secret?  Who owns a trade secret?  When might a non-disclosure agreement defeat a claim of misappropriation of a trade secret?  What measures should you take to protect a trade secret?  Do you have any recourse if your competitor stole your client’s trade secret but has not yet launched its product?  Cramer, Riley and Dingott will answer these questions and more in the view of recent trade secret decisions in the Third Circuit and beyond.

Other sessions at the Intellectual Property CLE Institute will include Extraterritorial Reach of United States Law in U.S. and Non-U.S. Patent Litigation and When Your Social Life Goes South: Best Practices for Protecting Your Brand in the World of Handle Hijacking.

Click here for more information.