Out of the 650 law firms BTI Consulting reviewed for its 2017 Most Recommended Law Firms report, only 19 have been recommended for more than five consecutive years. And Womble Carlyle is one of those select few.
According to BTI, law firms who make the Most Recommended Law Firms list are those that earn unprompted recommendation from a peer. These firms meet the following five components of superior client service:
- Putting the client’s needs first in all aspects of the work;
- Adding business context through your keen understanding of your client’s business;
- Making your clients life easier by providing key information and insights before they ever ask;
- Delivering higher value than expected; and
- Meeting your client’s targeted objectives.
“These firms have been able to work through the changes in client needs and expectations on a continuous basis to deliver superior client service, showing a cultural advantage in understanding clients over the long term,” the report states.
The report also found that client service—by far—is the most important factor in earning a client’s reputation, far outpacing legal skills and brand name.
Click here to read coverage of the BTI Most Recommended Law Firm Report at Law360.