Womble Bond Dickinson Client Vindicated in Federal Criminal Trial in the District of Maryland
Oct 28 2024
A federal jury in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland acquitted Womble Bond Dickinson client Robert J. Krop of all five counts following a week-long trial.
Krop, a federally licensed firearms dealer was charged with conspiring with Frederick County (Maryland) Sheriff Chuck Jenkins to interfere with the lawful functions of the ATF and for falsifying federal firearms forms to illegally acquire seven machine guns. He was also charged with false statements in a five-count indictment. Federal prosecutors alleged that Sheriff Jenkins provided false forms in exchange for political support.
Womble Bond Dickinson Partner Luke Cass served as first chair in the trial and worked on the case with Dan Cox, an attorney based out of Emmitsburg, Maryland. Paralegal Mike Nemith also provided valuable support at trial.
“Robert Krop and his family endured a two-year federal investigation and were acquitted of all counts at a trial before a jury of his peers. We are grateful for the jury and their verdict. Mr. Krop stands vindicated,” Cass said.
Mr. Krop also thanked the jury for its service and is pleased to be vindicated of the charges.
Former federal prosecutor Luke Cass defends corporations and individuals in a variety of federal criminal allegations, including health care fraud, price-fixing, conspiracy, mail and wire fraud, embezzlement, bank fraud, and money laundering. Previously, Cass served in the Public Integrity Section of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Criminal Division where he handled public corruption investigations and prosecutions of elected, appointed, and career government officials and as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in San Juan, Puerto Rico. He practices in Womble Bond Dickinson’s Washington, D.C. office.
Click here to read media coverage in the Frederick News-Post and NBC News Baltimore.