Jimmy Quander Was Keynote Speaker for Select 60 NIL Presentation
Sep 07 2023
Womble Bond Dickinson Of Counsel Jimmy Quander was the keynote speaker on the current and future state of affairs in Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) law and policy, in a recent talk presented by MW United, as part of the 2023 Select 60 Woman’s Basketball Invitational Showcase. Quander provided an overview on the history and legal background of the NIL, student-athlete compensation models, as well as recent court decisions on NIL. Quander also shared thoughts about future areas of concerns for student-athletes and schools.
Quander has represented student and professional athletes in matters ranging from NCAA investigations to NFL workers’ compensation actions. He has been certified as a Contract Advisor by the NFL Players Association and successfully negotiated contracts with the Buffalo Bills, Carolina Panthers, and Tennessee Titans. Outside of his legal practice, Quander regularly speaks with young athletes across the state about their academic and athletic futures.