It’s all about our clients. When a company is locating in the United States or a particular state for the first time, or expanding existing operations within a state, it’s a BIG DECISION. We work directly with companies, and often with the consultant working with the company, to assist the company throughout every step of the site selection decision.

We support companies in efforts to strategically locate operations, and we gather support from the local community and the state in the form of incentives to support their business operations. The large volume of projects we have worked and are working, especially in the Southeastern United States, ensures that we are efficient, are knowledgeable about what to expect, who to ask and how to stay in compliance.

To support the company, we work on the real estate, environmental, tax, corporate and incentive matters associated with the site selection process. We take a holistic view of the project. We support the company and any of its consultants every step of the way. We have deep relationships at the local and state level to ensure the company is supported. Our clients are located all over the world. With our large, international firm, we have great depth and bench strength in identifying complex international corporate and tax issues, and are very adept at helping clients navigate complicated business issues. We have tremendous experience with:

  • manufacturing projects;
  • datacenter projects;
  • corporate headquarters projects;
  • large office projects; and
  • distribution center projects.

Timing is KEY. Call us early, and we mean EARLY. We do our best work for companies when called on early in the site selection process to assist in the economic development incentive process. The first step in the incentive process focuses on real estate. We work as a team, and our real estate lawyers are an integral part of this team. The relationship between the real estate and the economic development incentive work cannot be overestimated, and for this reason, we like to be brought in at the earliest phases of a project. Incentives are for competitive projects. Once a site selection decision has been made, the project is no longer competitive, and incentives are often off the table. Also, incentives can overcome certain challenges presented by a site, such as, for example, infrastructure. We work closely to ensure the company has every option available to it in order to make the best decision possible.

We have worked many of the largest projects in the Southeastern United States. We have a firm knowledge of the incentives that are available to support projects – both at the local and state level. We will work very hard to ensure that we analyze and pursue all possible resources for our companies. We know economic development, and we have pure economic development attorneys to help you – 100% of our daily practice is devoted to economic development.

Browse our Economic Development Lawyers and Professional Staff

Here at Womble Bond Dickinson, it’s all about our clients. We understand that when a company is locating to the United States, entering a particular state, or expanding existing operations, it’s a big decision. Working directly with a wide range of companies, and the consultants working within them, our lawyers are able to assist companies throughout every step of the site selection decision.

Using our extensive knowledge, we are able to support companies in efforts to strategically locate operations, helping them gather support from the local community and state in the form of incentives to support their site selection and business operations. The large volume of projects our economic development lawyers have worked on, especially in the Southeastern United States, ensures that we are efficient, and are knowledgeable about what to expect, who to ask and how to stay compliant.

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Our economic development services

To support each client, we focus on the real estate, environmental, tax, corporate expansion and incentive matters associated with the site selection process. This allows our attorneys to take a holistic view of the project, to assess where each site’s strengths and weaknesses lie and to discuss what effective strategies can be put in place.

Our team of economic development lawyers are adept at helping clients navigate complicated business issues. We are on hand to support clients and any of their consultants every step of the way, maintaining deep connections at both the local and state level to ensure all clients are supported. 

Economic Development & Site Selection Projects we Support

Clients of our economic development practice are located all over the world, with our large, international firm possessing great depth and bench strength in identifying complex international corporate site selection and tax issues. Our team of highly-skilled attorneys have tremendous experience with:

  • Manufacturing facilities
  • Datacenters 
  • Corporate headquarters 
  • Large office projects
  • Distribution centers.

How our Site Selection Consultants & Attorneys can help you

Timing is key to ensuring we do our best work for companies when called upon. Contacting us early in the site selection process to assist in the economic development incentive process will make sure that we can create the streamlined and effective plan you need.

Working together as a team, the first point of contact in the incentive process we focus on is real estate. Our well established team of real estate lawyers are an integral part of this site selection process. The relationship between real estate and the economic development incentive work cannot be overestimated, and for this reason, we like to be brought in at the earliest phases of a project.

Incentives are for competitive projects and once a site selection decision has been made, the project is no longer competitive, and incentives are often off the table. With this in mind, incentives can help clients overcome certain challenges presented by a site, such as infrastructure. Therefore we work closely with clients to ensure the company has every option available to them in order to make the best decision possible.

With our firm knowledge of the incentives that are available to support projects, both at the local and state level, we will work very hard to ensure that we analyze and pursue all possible resources for our clients. 

With our background and expertise across many sectors, combined with our in-depth knowledge of economic development and corporate site selection we can guarantee that our team of attorneys will be 100 percent devoted to ensuring the success of your business. Browse our economic development lawyers and professional staff and get in touch with us today to find out more about how we can help you.

Need legal advice and guidance in economic development?
Our team is able to help provide solutions to you and your organization. Browse through our lawyers and professional staff to find the right attorney near you.
Economic Develpment