Women of Womble Bond Dickinson Hold Women’s Leadership Development Session in Charleston
Feb 18 2019
CHARLESTON, SC—On Feb. 14, members of Women of Womble Bond Dickinson in Charleston met for lunch to discuss women’s leadership skills.
The Charleston meeting was built on a Jan. 24 WOW workshop, led by internationally recognized author, speaker and leadership expert Becky Shambaugh. The workshop focused on the skills and knowledge women need to become leaders in their firms.
The agenda for the Charleston meeting focused on how to implement the topics presented at the Shambaugh workshop, including displaying executive presence and creating a personal board of directors. The meeting also included an update on the firm’s participation in the Mansfield Rule 2.0 pilot project. This project aims to promote greater inclusion for women, minority and LGBTQ+ attorneys in the legal profession.
Ashley Kutz Kelley organized the Charleston event, with Bethany Edmondson and Kathryn Mansfield leading discussions. Attorneys Laurel Blair, Alissa Fleming, Brandy Harris, Cynthia Morton and Susan Smythe also participated in the Feb. 14 session.
Cathy Hinger leads the Women of Womble Bond Dickinson initiative.