Business Journal Talks With Womble Attorneys About Millennials And Making Partner
Apr 19 2019
Talented people work for Womble Bond Dickinson and Womble Bond Dickinson works with talented people. That’s the message that comes across in an article published today by the Triad Business Journal featuring interviews with several of the firm’s current and former attorneys. The article explores how millennial attorneys are shifting the view of law firm partnership and features insights from two veteran attorneys and two millennial attorneys.
You can read the entire article here.
Lori Patton, the firm’s Chief Recruiting Officer, warns against painting the younger generation of attorneys with one brush. Instead, she tells the paper, millennials are simply looking for more flexibility from a law firm.
To illustrate this point, the Business Journal interviewed Jamie Stone, a fifth-year associate with an eye toward making partner. Stone describes her dedication to her careers and the importance of a flexible working environment.