Congressional investigations and hearings are far from typical legal or legislative proceedings. Congressional Oversight is a unique arena, charged with political theater and significant outcomes. An invite—or summons—to answer to Congress is serious business, requiring a keen grasp of the distinct rules, players, and shifting agendas.

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Our Congressional Investigations & Crisis Management Services

When your company faces a Congressional probe, consider it a pivotal event. Crafting an apt response demands deep insights into the political and media landscape, stakeholders involved, and potential risks to your company—and your personal reputation.

In these high-stakes, hot-seat situations, where time is tight and words carry weight, you need the guidance of seasoned professionals. Womble's team, led by Congressional veteran Kristina Moore, is equipped to blend with your legal, government, and PR experts, fortifying your response.

Kristina's Capitol Hill alliances and strategic communications acumen offer invaluable foresight and connectivity. Her team's ability to engage decisively can wholistically prepare you and your company for your moment before the dais.

With a track record of over 14 years, 150 hearings, and 30 probes, including high-profile cases like Deepwater Horizon, Solyndra, and vehicle emission standards, as well as nearly a decade as a senior advisor of strategic communications at a global management consulting firm, Kristina has the experience to manage the moment. Her counsel has steered Fortune 500 firms through public turmoil and Congressional scrutiny.

Need legal advice and guidance in congressional investigations and crisis management?
Our team is able to help provide solutions to you and your organization. Browse through our lawyers and professional staff to find the right attorney near you.
The Capitol in Washington, D.C. - Photo from Shutterstock (53397613)