Morris Ellison in Greenville News: Why SC Needs Robust 5G Network Post-Pandemic
May 26 2020
While the debate rages as to when and how to restart our economy, history shows that big data and 5G offer a path to a more robust economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. We should take two steps now to assist South Carolina’s “advanced manufacturers” to reopen and be more competitive in a post COVID-19 world.
Smart cities compile, interpret and apply "big” data to improve delivery of city services. How much of the COVID-19 crisis could have been averted had we had earlier access to data surrounding the disease’s contagiousness and morbidity? "Smart city" technologies that monitor vehicle and pedestrian counts and spacing can confirm whether we are observing social distancing. Rigorous infection control, social distancing enforcement and technology expansion may become the new normal for manufacturers restarting operations.
Technologies can analyze infection patterns and improve response, but they need the infrastructure.
Click here to continue reading “Why SC Needs Robust 5G Network to Thrive after Coronavirus Pandemic” in the Greenville News.
Also, click here to read “The World Has Changed: The Smart City in the Post-COVID-19 World” in Real Estate Issues.
And click here to read, “Morris Ellison in the Charleston Post & Courier: Smart City Technologies Can Aid COVID-19 Recovery”.
Morris Ellison chairs Womble Bond Dickinson’s Smart Cities practice in North America. His practice includes commercial real estate transactions, commercial litigation, tax appeals and economic development. He represents local, national and international investors, lenders, and real estate developers in the development, financing and disposition of commercial properties and other assets as well as entity disputes.