Mark Tuft to Speak at PLI California MCLE Marathon
Nov 10 2023
Womble Bond Dickinson’s Mark Tuft will be a panelist for the Practising Law Institute’s (PLI) California MCLE Marathon 2023 on November 15.
Tuft’s panel, “Everyone’s A Tattletale: New Rule 8.3 and Its Implications for California Lawyers” is scheduled for 9:15 a.m. PT. Joining Tuft on the panel is Sean M. SeLegue, Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP.
Tuft’s presentation is part of a full day of CLE programming, which also provides participants the chance to:
Tuft is a former chair and special advisor to the California State Bar Committee on Professional Responsibility and Conduct and is a former president of the Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers. In addition, Tuft has taught professional responsibility as an adjunct professor at the University of San Francisco School of Law. He frequently lectures on legal ethics for a variety of organizations, include the ABA, PLI, the Rutter Group, various law schools and bar associations and has received several teaching awards. He has served on the Board of Directors of the Bar Association of San Francisco and formerly chaired its ethics committee. Tuft is a member of the ABA Center for Professional Responsibility, where he currently chairs the Center’s editorial board, and the American Law Institute. He is co-author of the California Practice Guide on Professional Responsibility published by a division of Thomson Reuters.
Click here to register or learn more about PLI’s California MCLE Marathon 2023.