Barlow Keener to Speak on Handling Cyberattacks at Broadband Industry Conference
May 27 2022
ST. LOUIS—Womble Bond Dickinson attorney Barlow Keener will speak on “Handling Cyberattacks: How the Best Defense is a Good Offense” at the Illinois Broadband & Telecommunications Association (IBTA) Annual Convention. The convention takes place June 5-7 in St. Louis
Telecom and broadband providers deliver the very Internet which has dramatically changed the way we live and work. Unfortunately, well-funded, determined criminals and nation-states from around the globe are using a multitude of methods like email phishing and ransomware to bring down U.S. businesses, colleges and universities, hospitals, and municipalities. As critical infrastructure providers to these entities, ISPS are vulnerable to these bad-actors.
Preparation and ongoing monitoring are the keys to surviving a cyberattack. Implementing a Zero-Trust Network approach as well as having the right cybersecurity experts and tools on-hand is critical to the end result. By having a strong offense in the form of a documented and well-practiced Cybersecurity Incident Response Plan and implementing company policies that protect customer privacy, which are also necessary to comply with various federal and state privacy and cybersecurity laws. ISPs can offensively prepare for the inevitable cyber threats and attacks.