Womble Bond Dickinson IP Partner Lisa Moyles will speak on the topic of IP service providers at the 21st FICPI Open Forum October 5th in London.
Alternative legal service providers are changing the IP game. And while some IP firms see these ALSPs as complementary to their practice, others may see ALSPs as a threat to traditional business. This session titled “IP Service Providers: Blessing or Curse?” will explore the interaction (good and bad) of ALSPs with IP firms and the risks or opportunities they create.
Joining Moyles on the panel are Phil Arvanitis, Director, Solution Consulting at Clarivate in the U.K. and Marc Levieils, Partner with Regimbeau in France.
FICPI is a global network of IP practitioners, and Moyles serves as a member of FICPI’s Practice Management Committee. For more information on Lisa's session, click here.
Moyles is a seasoned intellectual property lawyer with almost 30 years of experience advising clients on all aspects of IP strategy, management, and protection. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the complexities of IP law, Moyles advises clients at every stage of the protection lifecycle, including patent and trademark acquisition that withstands validity challenges, FTO analysis, and enforcement.