The Forgotten Pieces of AM Revitalization
Jan 27 2016
Washington, D.C.—While the FCC’s 250 Mile Waiver is a key component of the FCC’s AM revitalization plan, there are other aspects of the plan to consider.
Womble Carlyle Telecom attorney John Garziglia writes on “The Forgotten Pieces of AM Revitalization” with Radio Ink.
“The AM revitalization proposals being considered are modifications to the AM protection standards including to skywave signals, relaxed distance restrictions on FM translators carrying AM stations, modifications to the partial proof of performance rules and method of moments proofs, and the forced surrender of expanded band or standard band AM licenses,” Garziglia said.
In particular, he examines the FCC’s proposal to diminish skywave projections for Class A clear channel stations. Garziglia said this would be a mistake.
“A diminishment of Class A AM station coverage, once done, can never be undone,” he said.
Click here to read the full article in Radio Ink.
John Garziglia represents radio and television broadcasters, offering personalized assistance in all areas of communications and telecommunications law including transactional and contract negotiations for broadcast station mergers and acquisitions, the securing of financing, governmental auctions of new frequencies, license renewals, new stations applications, facility changes, facility upgrades, licensing, and compliance with FCC rules, regulations and policies.
Follow John Garziglia on Twitter at @JohnGarziglia.