Related insights: WBD Advance

Navigating the Waters of Opportunity Zone Funds

Mar 08 2019
The Federal tax reform bill passed at the end of 2017 made voluminous changes to the Federal tax code, but one relatively small section has potentially drawn more attention than any other, attracting the likes of real estate developers, investors, investment advisors, municipal leaders, accountants, lawyers and many, many others.

Overview of Opportunity Zones: The Government’s Powerful New Tool to Drive Economic Development in Underserved Communities

Aug 09 2018
Opportunity Zones are a powerful new economic development tool, designed to mobilize investment in underserved communities across the nation. The Opportunity Zones were established by Congress as a part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. They are designed to encourage long-term private investments in low-income communities through a two-fold strategy: using temporary benefits to bring the investment in, and long-term benefits to keep it there.

Firm Launches Opportunity Zone Team

Aug 06 2018
Womble Bond Dickinson (US) is excited to announce the launch of its Opportunity Zone practice team, an outgrowth of the firm’s award-winning Impact Business Group. The multi-disciplinary team serves investors, fund managers and businesses involved with Opportunity Zones, a new federal program enacted as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 and intended to promote investment in underserved communities.