Tom drafts, negotiates and advises in relation to site acquisition documents including conditional and un-conditional purchases; development agreements; and joint venture arrangements. He advises developers, investors and registered providers as to suitability of development sites. Tom specialises in the acquisition of residential and mixed used development sites for private sector developers; large-scale investors, major national PLC house builders; and registered providers. He regularly advises on complex reports on title and site assembly matters. Tom regularly deals with planning conditional contracts; joint venture and development agreements.
Examples of experience include advising:
- A number of developers including Bellway Homes and Persimmon Homes in relation to a number of large development sites in respect of the sale of units to Registered Providers in order to fulfil the clients planning requirements in relation to provision of affordable housing. These sales require the negotiation of a development agreement with the RSL and then the close co-ordination with our plot sales team to procure the completion of plot transfers following practical completion of the relevant units
- Akelius on the acquisition of development sites for Private Rented Sector (“PRS”) developments (including but not limited to office conversion projects) including purchases at auction
- Grainger in connection with a number of acquisition of PRS development schemes comprising office to residential conversion projects, including forward funding mechanisms
- Terrace Hill in connection with estate set up and unit sale matters (including office to residential conversion schemes) together with portfolio disposals of residential property
- the Countrywide PRS Fund in the acquisition of newly developed stock including forward purchase arrangements for large-scale development sites.