WASHINGTON, D.C.—The TV Repack plan will have a significant impact on FM radio stations. In order to alleviate the costs of that disruption, federal officials are working on a system to reimburse FM stations and have set aside $50 million for this purpose.

Womble Bond Dickinson telecom attorney Gregg Skall writes about the FCC’s FM reimbursement proposal in the new issue of Radio Guide. The FCC is in the process of adopting rules covering the process of applying for and granting those funds.

“The Commission proposes to reimburse up to 100% of the eligible costs for FM stations to permanently or temporarily relocate or modify their facilities. The Order uses a graduated, prioritized system, discussed below,” Skall writes. “Licensees will have to certify that they meet the eligibility criteria and include information regarding their existing equipment and a reimbursement estimate, built on the existing TV Repack model.”

Skall also examines the FCC’s proposed three-tier reimbursement system, which prioritizes stations eligible for reimbursement by the level of disruption caused by the TV Repack. He also discusses how federal officials intend to document and verify the reimbursement requests.

Click here to read “FCC Focus: FM Radio Repack Relief Coming Soon to a Station Near You!” in Radio Guide.

Also, click here to read John Garziglia’s comments on the TV Repack reimbursement plan in Radio Ink.

Gregg Skall represents broadcasters and other parties in their regulatory dealings before the Federal Communications Commission and in their commercial business dealings. He serves as Washington Counsel to several state broadcaster associations. He also works with telecommunications companies and with radio device manufacturers to obtain FCC approvals.