*This event was not hosted by Womble Bond Dickinson (US) LLP. We encourage all of our attorneys to be actively involved in outside organizations as both leaders and presenters. Our attorney served as a presenter at this event. Any registration fee for this event was set by the outside organization and not by Womble Bond Dickinson (US) LLP.
This event took place on February 20, 2023.
Cybersecurity is a constant source of concern for businesses in many sectors, including rural broadband. Womble Bond Dickinson Partner Carri Bennet discussed why cybersecurity must remain a top priority for rural broadband companies and what boards of directors need to know when cybersecurity topics come up in the boardroom.
Bennet was joined in the discussion by Telecom Insurance Group CEO Peter Elliot.
Their presentation was part of the NTCA 2023 Rural Telecom Industry Meeting + Expo (RTIME). The event, which took place in San Diego, is one of the largest annual gatherings of the rural broadband industry. It was presented by NCTA, the Rural Broadband Association.