DMCA: Loosening the Reins for Education
Nov 11 2015
You may know the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) from the widely deployed DMCA take-down notices that copyright owners use to remove putatively infringing content from the Internet. (See Rethinking Fair Use in the DMCA Context and DMCA Take-Down Notice: Best Practices.) Enacted in 1998, the DMCA is more, however, much more, with provisions scattered throughout the Copyright Act (the “Act”).
One such DMCA provision springs to mind triennially. Section 1201 of the Act prohibits circumvention of access control technologies ("ACT") associated with software and devices embodying software. Many such ACT are well known: encryption, scrambling, password protection. Subsection 1201(a)(1)(C) of the Act provides for exemptions from the circumvention rules. It mandates that the Librarian of Congress, with the advice of the Register of Copyrights (in turn advised by heads of other federal agencies and members of the public), determine once every three years whether users of certain copyrighted works are, or are likely to be, adversely affected by the imposition of ACT in the succeeding three-year period. In other words, despite the fact that the DMCA generally prohibits circumventing ACT attached to software, certain otherwise prohibited acts of circumvention, such as descrambling, decrypting, bypassing, deactivating, impairing and jailbreaking media or devices and their embedded software, are exempted under the Librarian’s triennial rulemaking.
The pace of technological change is swift; the pace of legislative change, glacial. Recognizing this, Congress incorporated Section 1201(a)(1)(C) into the DMCA to encourage the periodic recalibration between the desire of copyright owners to safeguard their content and devices and the desire of copyright users to access that content and the inner workings of those devices for purposes that are otherwise noninfringing. “Otherwise noninfringing” is key because the triennially granted exemptions don’t expand or circumscribe any other aspect of copyright law. They simply address access for purposes deemed noninfringing.
most recent triennial rulemaking exercise was concluded on October 28, when 22 exemptions went into effect (though several are delayed for twelve months). A number of this year’s exemptions, some of them repeated from previous triennial determinations, pertain to education.
This year’s exemptions range far and wide to smartphones and tablets, motorized land vehicles, implanted medical devices, e-book readers, security research and more.
A complete summary of newly granted circumvention exemptions is available at
If you have any questions about the issues discussed in this alert please contact the Womble Carlyle attorney with whom you usually work.
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