Marjorie Spivak represents telecommunications and broadband carriers across the United States advising them on all aspects of regulatory compliance. She provides her clients with business and legal advice on regulatory, transactional, and contractual matters. Her clients are located in rural and urban areas utilizing wireless and wired platforms on both licensed and unlicensed spectrum. Marjorie actively represents her clients in obtaining spectrum to offer new services utilizing new technologies. In addition, Marjorie has extensive experience in tower siting and assists her clients, both carriers and infrastructure companies, with compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and National Historic Preservation Act, site acquisition, and zoning to ensure compliance with state and federal regulatory requirements.
Marjorie also advises utilities and large enterprise clients on regulatory, policy, and compliance issues related to FCC radio licenses and spectrum, including advising on and obtaining required approvals in connection with the licensing of transmission lines, sale and acquisitions of generation facilities, and other utility assets that use FCC-licensed radio equipment. Marjorie also has experience with equipment authorizations and experimental authorizations for new products and services. Marjorie has developed a niche practice working with wind farm operators to license aircraft detection lighting systems with the FCC, which involves compliance with NEPA, and the FCC’s rules and regulations.
Marjorie also assists clients with privacy, data security and cybersecurity matters to ensure compliance with the rules, regulations, and policies of the Federal Trade Commission and the Federal Communications Commission. Marjorie also has extensive experience counseling clients on matters involving CALEA, FISA, subpoenas, and court orders.
Coming from a broadcasting background, Marjorie began her law career in the early 1990’s during the time the FCC was holding lotteries to award rural cellular market licenses. Since that time, Marjorie has provided business and legal advice to numerous start-up communications ventures, with an emphasis on wireless services, facilitating their development into multi-faceted providers of wide-area communications services. Keeping up with the ever-evolving technological developments and communications industry, Marjorie assists her clients with creating a vision for the future to ensure they maintain viable positions in the marketplace.
Professional Activities
- Federal Communications Bar Association
Any result the lawyer or law firm may have achieved on behalf of clients in other matters does not necessarily indicate similar results can be obtained for other clients.
- Conducted numerous due diligence reviews of FCC licenses as part of large transactions to ensure compliance with FCC regulatory requirements.
- Represented major tower company guiding it in the development of company policies and procedures with regard to siting matters to ensure regulatory compliance for the construction and acquisition of hundreds of tower sites.
- Assisted a wide-area broadband communications service provider in the acquisition of over 70 wireless cell sites negotiating tower leases and reviewing towers for regulatory compliance.
- Advises wireless service providers offering service in various spectrum bands including cellular, 700 MHz, AWS, Cellular PCS, Citizens Broadband Radio, and microwave in regulatory matters including spectrum acquisitions, leases, licensing, operational matters, rulemaking proceedings and enforcement actions.
- Represents numerous broadband and wireless communications providers before the FCC on licensing and enforcement matters.