Evan Boetticher’s career has focused on high stakes intellectual property litigation with an emphasis on life sciences and biotechnology, including cases involving antibodies, diagnostics, stem cell technology, digital PCR, genetic screening, and pharmaceuticals, such as in Hatch Waxman cases. Evan’s patent experience also extends to non-biologics, including water purification, augmented reality, and communications systems. He has served clients in various federal settings, such as bench trials, jury trials, the International Trade Commission, and at the USPTO petitioning for and opposing inter partes reviews.

Evan's extensive intellectual property litigation experience is preceded by a decade’s worth of applied scientific experience resulting in a score of scientific publications. He has made a career of picking up new science, learning it thoroughly, and teaching it to others by simplifying complex ideas for those that do not enjoy the science as much as himself.

Representative Matters

 Any result the lawyer or law firm may have achieved on behalf of clients in other matters does not necessarily indicate similar results can be obtained for other clients.

  • Amgen, Inc. v. Sanofi-Aventis U.S. LLC, et al. - Patent jury trial concerning antibody treatment finding patent valid and infringed.
  • Depomed Inc. v. Banner Pharmacaps, Inc. et al. - Hatch Waxman litigation concerning pharmaceutical compositions settled favorably.
  • Depomed Inc. v. Actavis Elizabeth LLC, et al. - Hatch Waxman trial concerning pharmaceutical compositions finding patents valid and infringed.
  • Esoterix Genetic Laboratories LLC, et al. v. Ambry Genetics Corporation - Patent case concerning digital PCR settled favorably.
  • Oxford Immunotec LTD., v. Qiagen N.V., et al. - Patent litigation involving tuberculosis diagnostic settled favorably.