Womble Carlyle South Carolina Economic Development Review Attracts a Crowd
Jun 02 2017
CHARLESTON, S.C.—Womble Carlyle’s annual South Carolina Economic Development Review was a big success, with more than 150 industry leaders in attendance.
This year’s Economic Development Review took May 26 at the Daniel Island Club in Charleston and was organized by Womble Carlyle attorney Stephanie Yarbrough. In addition, Womble Carlyle attorney John Hunter was a speaker at the event.
The agenda included three roundtable discussions:
In addition, the Womble Carlyle South Carolina Economic Development Review included a Utility Discussion with Tammy Coghill, Manager, Economic Development, SCANA; Mark Gaddy, Manager, Key Accounts/Economic Development, Berkeley Electric Cooperative; and Steven West, Director, Economic Development, Duke Energy.
Director of Global Business Development Nelson Lindsay provided an update from the S.C. Department of Commerce, and Thorne Research Chief Operating Officer Tom McKenna presented a new report relevant to business leaders in South Carolina.
John Hunter’s practice is primarily focused on assisting and counseling clients with respect to economic development initiatives and opportunities in the Carolinas. Having served as Director of Economic Development for the two-state, sixteen-county Charlotte Regional Partnership, Hunter works closely with domestic and international companies seeking to expand or relocate operations to the Carolinas and the southeast United States.
Stephanie Yarbrough’s practice focuses on guiding clients in economic development and general corporate matters. She works closely with domestic and international companies seeking to expand or relocate operations to the Carolinas and the Southeastern United States. She works with new and expanding businesses in identifying and negotiating incentives and in drafting all related documentation for Fee-in-Lieu of Tax Agreements, state grants, job tax credits, job development credits, utility grants and many other economic development incentives and grants.