The so-called “Brexit” vote by the United Kingdom to exit the European Union shocked many observers on both sides of the Atlantic. In the aftermath of the vote, clients and members of the press turned to Womble Carlyle and the firm’s UK partner firm, Bond Dickinson, for answers.
- Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Womble Carlyle Chair & CEO Betty Temple said, “Based on our own analysis and what our colleagues at Bond Dickinson are telling us, this decision is going to present significant opportunities for businesses here in Atlanta, as well as those in the UK and we’re looking forward to helping our clients make the most of those opportunities.”
- Baltimore Business Journal: “While there will be a short disruption right now, Womble Carlyle Baltimore Office Managing Partner David Hamilton said he expects the market to recover. However, as the process plays out the impacts could be greater in the US ‘Right now we have as many questions as we have answers,’ he said.”
- Law.com: “I’m more excited than ever that we have this capability to really help [our clients] in a real way. Uncertainty and change makes people uncomfortable, but there actually will be enormous opportunities for our clients,” Temple said.
- Raleigh News & Observer: “(Companies) need to look at their supply contracts, for example, to understand what risks those contracts create for their business and what changes they need to be thinking about to deal with things. Import tariffs might be applicable to their supply arrangements,” said Jeff Hay, Womble Carlyle’s Global Business Group Leader.