
Yesterday, the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) for the U.S. Department of Education released a new Notice of Interpretation clarifying the Department’s position that Title IX prohibits discrimination against gay and transgender students. The interpretation, applicable to both colleges and universities and K-12 institutions which accept federal funding, follows the U.S. Supreme Court’s holding in Bostock v. Clayton County that Title VII prohibits workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. OCR’s announcement is a departure from the previous administration’s position, which declined to extend Title IX’s protections to transgender students. While the Notice does not have the effect of law, it signals OCR’s intentions as it enforces Title IX going forward. “We just want to double down on our expectations,” said DOE Secretary Miguel A. Cardona. “Students cannot be discriminated against because of their sexual orientation or their gender identity.” 

OCR’s Notice states that its interpretation is meant to align Title VII and Title IX, acknowledging that courts regularly rely on interpretations of Title VII to inform decisions based on Title IX. The interpretation also follows a March 2021 memorandum from the U.S. Department of Justice, which similarly interpreted the Bostock decision to apply to Title IX. OCR’s announcement has been welcomed by many schools, which had been forced to juggle conflicting Title IX and Title VII standards in the wake of the Bostock decision. Still others have questioned the interpretation’s impact, including schools in locations where the interpretation is in conflict with state or local law. And OCR’s Notice expressly acknowledges that the interpretation does not change the Title IX exemption for education institutions controlled by a religious organization to the extent that the law is not consistent with the organization’s religious tenets.

OCR’s announcement comes during the summer months—as many schools are updating their policies and procedures—and while many institutions anxiously await OCR’s announcement of further guidance and regulations related to Title IX, particularly regarding further guidance regarding the 2020 Title IX regulations. The interpretation also leaves open several key questions including, for example, its impact on single sex institutions or campus affinity groups or how broadly the department will define gender identity. But as schools prepare for the 2021 fall semester, administrators should be ready to address allegations of discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity as part of Title IX compliance efforts. 

OCR’s Notice of Interpretation may be found in its entirety here.