Womble Bond Dickinson Partner Luke Cass will discuss recent changes to the Department of Justice’s regulations for privately make firearms at the Electronic Transactions Association’s August 23 Spotlight Call.

The DOJ’s “Frame or Receiver” Final Rule goes into effect on August 24, 2022.  The final rule modernizes the definition of a firearm. Once implemented, this rule will clarify that parts kits, that are readily convertible to firearms, are subject to the same regulations as traditionally manufactured firearms. These regulatory updates are designed to will help curb the proliferation of “ghost guns,” or privately made firearms, which are often assembled from kits, do not contain serial numbers, and are sold without background checks, making them difficult to trace and easy to acquire by criminals.  

Cass defends corporations and individuals in connection with a variety of federal criminal allegations, including health care fraud, conspiracy, mail and wire fraud, embezzlement, bank fraud, and money laundering. He also conducts proactive, internal investigations related to bribery, misbranding, and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). Cass served as a federal prosecutor for over a decade and has significant experience with white collar investigations and has litigated federal appellate and district court cases throughout the United States.