With multiple offices in the nation's top outdoor recreation economies, our firm is proud to be a member of the Outdoor Industry Association. Our lawyers participate in industry events and advocacy efforts through the association, making us better overall legal advisors.

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Our Outdoor Recreation Attorneys

Our Outdoor Recreation Services

When we advise on industry-specific legal issues, we do so from the perspective of active sector participants. Our clients would say we're as passionate about helping them achieve their business goals as we are about summiting Mount Everest.

Outdoor Recreation Clients

  • Adventure companies
  • Community recreation service organizations
  • Off-road vehicle manufacturers
  • Outdoor clothing retailers
  • Recreational equipment companies

Focus Areas

  • Intellectual property protection and defense
  • Commercial disputes and litigation, including product liability claims
  • Supply chain challenges
  • Insurance-related issues
  • Business transactions
  • Labor and employment matters
  • Human resources and employee benefits issues

Representative Experience

  • Provided employment and intellectual property counseling, including patent and trademark counseling, to a well-known outdoor apparel company.
  • Acted as arbitration counsel for national youth sports camp company in litigation over sale of the company, resulting in favorable settlement prior to arbitration hearing.
  • Represented a client in the golf accessory and equipment business in a private offering to raise capital to acquire a complementary business, which enabled our client to expand into new product markets.
  • Served as litigation counsel for a national ski resort company in business tort claims resulting from real estate development as well as another client in connection with cold weather injury claims sustained during wilderness therapy program.
Need legal advice and guidance in outdoor recreation?
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Soccer net above a grassy field