Womble Bond Dickinson’s Erin Fitzgerald to Discuss Rural Broadband Gap at NADO-DDAA Washington Conference
Feb 13 2018
ARLINGTON, VA.--Womble Bond Dickinson telecom lawyer Erin Fitzgerald will discuss broadband issues in rural America at the upcoming 2018 Washington Conference of the National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) and the Development District Association of Appalachia (DDAA).
Fitzgerald will be joined in the panel discussion, titled “The Broadband Gap: Response and Opportunity,” by NTCA’s Josh Seidemann and Doug Brake, Director of Telecommunications Policy with the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation. The panel will discuss recent developments at the federal and state levels to promote broadband, the Trump Administration’s infrastructure proposal and the role of local stakeholders in broadband development.
The National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) provides advocacy, education, research, and training for the nation’s regional development organizations. The association and its members promote regional strategies, partnerships, and solutions to strengthen the economic competitiveness and quality of life across America’s local communities.
The Development District Association of Appalachia (DDAA) is a membership organization of the 73 Local Development Districts (LDDs) serving the 420 counties of the Appalachia Region.
The 2018 NADO-DDAA Washington Conference takes place March 19.
Erin Fitzgerald advises telecommunications carriers, broadband service providers, and technology companies on complex commercial and regulatory matters. Erin also serves as Regulatory Counsel to the Rural Wireless Association (RWA), and has extensive experience on issues regarding privacy/data protection, spectrum auctions, universal service, broadband deployment, data roaming, network neutrality, and wireless licensing. Erin advocates in rulemaking and policymaking proceedings on behalf of RWA as well as individual clients, and frequently appears before the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).