WASHINGTON, D.C.—Womble Bond Dickinson attorney Bob Silverman will serve as the 2019 Chair of the Associate Member Advisory Council (AMAC) for NTCA—The Rural Broadband Association .
Silverman will serve a one-year term as AMAC Chair. He currently serves as AMAC Vice Chair and has been a council member since 2017.
The AMAC represents the interests of NTCA’s associate members, which provide insight and education to telecommunications carrier members on technological, regulatory and evolutionary business changes through publications, seminars and workshops. The AMAC develops educational programs tailored to ensure timely dissemination of key topics vital to the membership. Council members are nominated by NTCA members and elected by the council.
Womble Bond Dickinson’s Communications, Technology and Media Sector Team is a long-time supporter of the NTCA. For example, in October, attorneys Carri Bennet and Allen O’Rourke represented the firm at the NTCA 2018 Cybersecurity Summit.
Bob Silverman provides guidance to telecommunications carriers and broadband providers seeking to navigate through complex regulatory, commercial and compliance structures established by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and other government agencies. His wireless spectrum experience spans a variety of services and runs the gamut from auctions and compliance reporting to assignments, lease agreements, and enforcement actions.