Womble Bond Dickinson’s Belton Zeigler to Speak on Cyber Liability Issues at SCMIT/SCIRF Annual Meeting
Nov 08 2017
COLUMBIA, S.C.—Womble Bond Dickinson lawyer Belton Zeigler will discuss cyber liability issues at the Annual Members meeting of the South Carolina Municipal Insurance Trust (SCMIT) and South Carolina Municipal Insurance and Risk Financing Fund (SCMIRF).
The meeting takes place Nov. 9 in Columbia.
Organized in December 1983, SCMIT is a cooperative local government program providing self-funded workers' compensation protection for municipal employees. SCMIRF provides all lines of property and casualty coverage including tort liability and automobile coverage for its member municipalities.
Belton Zeigler regularly counsels clients on data management and cybersecurity in matters such as data breach preparation and response and litigation involving data management.