Washington Post Quotes Womble Bond Dickinson’s Carri Bennet in Coverage T-Mobile/Sprint Merger Debate
Feb 18 2019
WASHINGTON, DC—The Washington Post is the latest high-profile media outlet to feature comments from Womble Bond Dickinson attorney Carri Bennet regarding the proposed T-Mobile/Sprint merger. Bennet, the General Counsel of the Rural Wireless Association, recently testified before a Congressional subcommittee that the merger would increase costs and harm service for rural communities.
Bennet and other RWA officials say that T-Mobile has shown little interest in partnering with rural carriers on reciprocal roaming agreements that provide wireless coverage in rural areas. This means poorer service for T-Mobile customers when they travel through rural areas, as well as a lower quality of service for customers of rural carriers.
And while T-Mobile and Sprint officials say that they will invest more in rural areas post-merger, Bennet said the major companies “have had more than 20 years to build out to rural America”.
Click here to read “‘These maps are bogus’: U.S. lawmakers tear into telecom execs over spotty rural coverage” in the Washington Post.
Also, click here to read a Morning Consult op-ed on the proposed T-Mobile/Sprint merger by Bennet and Katherine Messier, Founder and Executive Director of Mobile Beacon.
Carri Bennet has more than three decades of experience representing wireline, wireless and broadband communications providers, as well as commercial and noncommercial broadcasters, in regulatory compliance matters. She has a particular focus on advocating for small rural carriers, including serving as General Counsel to the Rural Wireless Association. Bennet represents telecom industry clients before the FCC, state regulatory agencies, the courts, and Congress.