Ripley Rand Presents a Statistical Overview of the Trump Department of Justice to the ACC Compliance and Ethics Network
Jul 25 2019
Womble Bond Dickinson attorney Ripley Rand gave a presentation on “Year One of the Trump Department of Justice: A Statistical Overview” to members of the Association of Corporate Counsel’s Compliance and Ethics Network on July 16.
Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 was the first full year of the Department of Justice under the Trump Administration, and the United States Sentencing Commission recently published the FY2018 Sourcebook with the year’s sentencing statistics from the US federal courts. In this presentation, Rand provided analysis of the overall case numbers, trends related to certain types of cases, and breakdowns on other demographic factors.
Rand’s presentation built off of two recent in-depth articles Rand wrote on Year One of the Trump DOJ’s sentencing statistics:
Womble Bond Dickinson is the long-time sponsor of the ACC Compliance and Ethics Network.
Ripley Rand is a former U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of North Carolina. At Womble Bond Dickinson, he counsels clients in white-collar criminal defense, health care fraud defense, internal investigations and regulatory enforcement matters.