RALEIGH, N.C.—Like many other Americans, executives and business owners in the food and beverage industries are wondering what the Trump Administration will mean for their industry. What changes will the new administration implement—and what will remain the same?

Womble Carlyle attorney Michael Cromwell recently spoke with Food Dive about this question. He said the new administration’s intentions remain unclear.

“The only thing that’s certain about Trump is uncertainty,” Cromwell said.

Generally, Republican policies are seen as pro-business. But Trump also has embraced protectionist stances on the campaign trail, and the US food industry is a major exporter of goods.

“The food industry is going to be in this weird situation where part of it will be cheering for what he’s doing and part of it will hate what he’s doing if he lives up to his promises,” Cromwell told Food Dive. “So it’s an odd mix, because normally with a Republican president, you would have someone who wants trade and [is] pro-business, and then have de-regulation as part of that. ...The problem with that is ... he doesn’t hold all of those beliefs, at least that’s what he said during the campaign, particularly with regards to trade.”

Michael Cromwell is a business litigation attorney who helps companies solve complex business disputes. He is a member of Womble Carlyle’s Food, Beverage and Agriculture Team and a member of the American Bar Association's Committee on Food, Cosmetics & Nutraceutical.